The Marker is the ominous, central threat in Dead Space, responsible for the creation of necromorphs and ensuing events in the survival horror trilogy. Though the Dead Space (2023) remake is an otherwise faithful, one-to-one recreation of the original title, the remake does add several new features to the cult classic game.
While the Marker Dead Space is centered around is a hulking obelisk, players will be able to find smaller versions of the iconic statue around the Ishimura. There are 12 total Marker fragments that players can uncover while progressing throughout the game. If players collect all 12, they will unlock the new, hidden ending only ever seen in the remake.
Given that many of these Marker Fragments are off the beaten path in the Ishimura, finding them without any direction can be difficult. Here is everything you need to know to unlock the secret ending.
All Marker Fragment Locations in the Dead Space (2023) remake
In Dead Space (2023), there are 12 total Marker Fragments that players can find throughout the Ishimura. Players will need to complete the game once before they can start finding these fragments, as the idols only start to appear in new game plus. Once all 12 are found, players will access a new ending.
Though some Marker fragments will be hidden in dark, isolated locations, all pieces can be located by a faint light being emitted from the collectible. All locations, chapters, and other details to find the Marker fragments are listed below:
- Chapter 1 – A marker fragment can be found in the Hanger-Cargo-Tram Control. The fragment will be found in a shelf inside the Maintenance office.
- Chapter 2 – This fragment is found on the first Medical floor inside of Dr. T Kyne’s office. There is a secret room that players can access behind the office’s bookshelf.
- Chapter 3 – The fragment piece is located in the Engine Room on the third floor. It will be found in a dark corner.
- Chapter 4 – This fragment is found in the Break Room in the Bridge’s first floor.
- Chapter 5 – This next fragment can be found in the fourth floor of Cryogenic in Medical. Players will have to use Kinesis in order to reach the fragment atop the Cryo Chamber.
- Chapter 5 – The second Chapter Five fragment is easily found in the fourth floor of Medical, in Dr. C Mercer’s office.
- Chapter 6 – The piece is located in the East Grow Chamber in Hydroponics, floor four. Players will be required to use Kinesis once again in order to reach the fragment, tucked inside one of the chambers.
- Chapter 7 – The fragment is found atop a shelf located in the Mineral Samples room, found in Mining level five.
- Chapter 8 – This Marker idol is found in the Communication Hub, floor two. This Marker fragment will be found floating.
- Chapter 9 – Players will need to travel to the Deluxe Quarter Bunk Room in the Crew Quarters, floor three. The fragment will be found on the nearby desk.
- Chapter 10 – Players need to venture to the Crew Quarters, level three and travel to the Inquiry Desks. The Marker fragment will be right behind the desk.
- Chapter 11 – This final Marker fragment is located in the Hangar-Cargo-Tram Control in the Cargo Bay, floor one, atop a tool shelf.
Published: Feb 1, 2023 04:09 pm