Dragon Ball: The Breakers is among the most ambitious additions to the Dragon Ball video game franchise. Based on the popular anime, Dragon Ball: The Breakers is an asymmetric action game wherein a band of seven ordinary citizens tries to survive attacks from classic Dragon Ball villains, such as Cell, Frieza, Buu, and more.
Akin to the likes of Dead by Daylight, the recently released title breaks away from the traditionally linear and story-based single-player experiences previous Dragon Ball titles have included. In the game, seven regular citizens are left stranded with a raider in the same temporal seam, wherein the aggressing raider only grows stronger with the passing of time.
As one of the most unique Dragon Ball titles yet, many fans have wondered if Dragon Ball: The Breakers will finally bring crossplay. This is everything we know about crossplay for Dragon Ball: The Breakers.
Does Dragon Ball: The Breakers have crossplay?
Unfortunately, Dragon Ball: The Breakers will not launch with crossplay enabled. The title’s producer, Ryosuke Hara, said in a January 2022 interview that there was “no plan to support cross-platform and cross-save at the moment.” Though crossplay was not prioritized prior to launch, it does not mean that game will never have the functionality and could very well be added later in the game’s lifecycle.
Other popular asymmetric multiplayer games, such as Dead by Daylight or Evil Dead: The Game, boast crossplay functions, which connect players from different consoles into the same game. In many cases, crossplay was not initially brought out with these titles either and were later additions to the game.
While it is unclear if Dragon Ball: The Breakers will receive crossplay anytime in the near future, fans of the series can enjoy the new game on Nintendo Switch, PS4/5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Seris X|S.
Published: Oct 13, 2022 02:39 pm