HYENAS was first introduced in the summer of 2022 to unsure reactions from fans since the game only premiered with a trailer showing some robbers in action. This new shooter has already released a number of alpha tests over the last few months, with more planned in the near future. And now, developer Creative Assembly has announced a new New York map as part of the next alpha test.
In a press release, developer Creative Assembly confirmed that a New York map will be added alongside the next alpha on Friday, Jan. 20. The test is expected to begin at 11am CT and run through the weekend until Monday, Jan. 23 at 3am CT. This new map is expected to be a more compact arena meant to keep previous alpha players on their toes.
The map is expected to feature a lot of the classic icons of New York City like the Statue of Liberty, subway cars, and classic brick architecture from hundreds of years ago. Around the edge of the map are four different cargo modules that provide different options for cover and landmarks to create a more varied combat experience.
In addition to giving more information about the upcoming map, Creative Assembly has also listed the upcoming dates for the next four playtests. These will occur on Jan. 20, Feb. 17, March 10, and March 31. Each date occurs on a Friday, so it will likely follow a similar pattern where the game has an alpha playtest throughout the entire weekend.
Players who want to join any of the alphas will have to play on PC through Steam. Go to PlayHyenas.com, fill out the form, and then wait for an email confirming your access. You’ll receive a code to play the game when it’s available during the alpha playtests.
Published: Jan 19, 2023 12:41 pm