The days of meddling in the Football Manager 2023 beta are over. FM23 has been launched worldwide in its full glory across all major platforms, with one notable exception.
Sports Interactive was early to announce the Football Manager 2023 release date. We marked Nov. 8, 2022, a couple of months ago. Since then, SI held a 40-minute-long feature reveal, then released the beta version on PC, and now, at long last, launched FM23 in its final form.
The series’ ever-expanding platform presence means there are several different versions of Football Manager 2023. There are the classic full experience PC players get to enjoy, FM23 Console, FM23 Mobile, a Nintendo Switch version, and an Apple Arcade version. Each is unique for its respective devices and differs from the other versions.
The only platform that will miss out on the FM23 experience, at least for now, is PlayStation 5. Last week, Sports Interactive admitted to some “unforeseen complications” that will keep Football Manager 2023 away from PS5 owners for an indefinite period. Refunds were made available immediately following the news.
Related: Football Manager 2023 review: A solid game with minimal improvements
Manchester City joined the launch party with a promotional video featuring German midfielder İlkay Gündoğan:
We have a detailed review of Football Manager 2023, in which we dive deep into what we liked and disliked about the game, and discussed its new and returning features, as well as those we thought should have been in FM23 but weren’t.
If you’ve already made up your mind about the game, then you can simply enjoy the curious results of our 20-year-long simulation that crowned Switzerland as World Cup champions, turned Southampton into a European giant, and gave the U.S. its first major international trophy.
Published: Nov 8, 2022 1:06 PM UTC