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Generals in a Hearts of Iron IV promotional art.
Image via Paradox Interactive

All HOI4 console Commands (Hearts of Iron 4)

Your cheat sheet for better gameplay.

Paradox Interactive is known for developing complex strategy titles for PC players, with Hearts of Iron 4 being one of its standout games. Its complexity can be overwhelming, though, and that’s why there are hundreds of console commands to use.

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In strategy games, making your life easier by using console commands can be seen as cheating. However, we believe there’s nothing wrong with using them, especially for newer players who don’t know how everything works. More experienced ones, on the other hand, may use them to customize their experience. With seemingly unlimited options, there are tons of possibilities.

How to turn the console on in HOI4

Like in many games, turning the console on in HOI4 is relatively easy. There are multiple ways of accessing it depending on your keyboard layout. However, SHIFT + 2 or ALT + 2 + 1 or SHIFT + 3 are the easiest to remember and use during your gameplay.

All HOI4 console commands

Gameplay windows in Hearts of Iron IV.
There are a plethora of options in Hearts of Iron 4. You can tweak them all with specific commands. Screenshot by Dot Esports via Paradox Interactive

Buckle up, general. Due to how complex HOI4’s gameplay is, the number of possible commands in the game is jaw-dropping. Some of them are basic, like giving you manpower, ideas, scientits, and so on. Others are for the more experienced players who want to tinker with how the game is played. Either way, below you’ll find all working console commands at the time of writing.

help [command name]Print out all console commands or a specific command description.
tag [Country tag]Changes the country that the player controls.
event [<event id>] [Target country tag]Executes an event, can be used towards specific country.
add_ideas [<idea name>]Adds ideas with <id> to the country.
remove_ideas [<idea name>]Removes national idea.
gain_xp [<amount>]Adds experience to selected Leader/General/Admiral
gain_xp [<trait>]Adds gainable trait to selected Leader/General/Admiral
cp [<amount>]Adds Command Power. Maximum is 100.
st [<amount>]Adds Stability. Maximum is 100.
add_war_support(ws) [<amount>]Adds War Support. Maximum is 100.
allowtraitsAllows free assignment of general traits.
add_equipment(ae) [<equipment amount>] [<equipment name>]Adds equipment. Doesn’t support naval equipment.
add_latest_equipment(ale) [<equipment amount>]Gives player amount of latest equipment variants.
addfundsAdds funds to all military industrial organizations (MIO).
addTaskCapacity [number]Adds task capacity to all MIOs.
addSize [number]Adds trait points to all MIOs.
add_cic_bank [number]Adds Economic Capacity Surplus for the player in the International Market.
whitepeace(wp) [<country tags>]White peace with the specified countries.
teleport(tp)Activates the teleportation ability. Right click a province with a selected unit to use.
allowdiplo(adiplo,nocb)Allows to use all diplomatic actions for no matter the rules.
debug_crash(crash)Crashes the game.
instantconstruction (ic)Toggles instant construction cheat.
research [<slot id> or “all”]Researches a technology from research slot or all.
research_on_icon_click (roic)Research a technology when clicking on technology tree icon.
sp_breakthrough [<number>]Toggle show/hide all hidden techs.
sp_breakthrough [<number> optional <specialisation>] (sp_br)Adds special project breakthrough points for all facilities.
sp_fastSkips the prototyping stage and progresses the iteration stage for special projects.
sp_instantAutocompletes current special projects.
sp_availableUnlocks/Locks all special projects with unfulfilled research prerequisites.
sp_unlock_allAll Special Projects are always visible and available. Whether or not the triggers returns true, and whether the parents are completed.
sp_research_all (sp_ra)Research all special projects. If no scientist exist it will create one, otherwise it will pick an arbitrary one.
sp_prototype_rewardTrigger a specified prototype reward during a project.
sp_add_scientistAdds a generic scientist.
sp_add_scientist [<level> (optional)] [<specialisation> (optional)]Adds a detailed scientist.
sp_add_mastermindAdds a generic scientist with all specializations and max skill level.
sp_set_selected_scientist_level [<level>]Sets scientist’s level.
sp_add_selected_scientist_trait [<trait>]Adds the specified trait to the scientist.
annex [<Target Country Tag> or “all”]Begin annex/annexes the specified tag.
puppet [<Puppeteer Country Tag>] [<Puppet Target Country Tag>]Turns the target country into a puppet of the puppeteer.
manpower [amount]Adds manpower to player. Default is 10 million.
add_opinion [<Country tag>]Add opinion to/from tag.
observe(spectator)Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game.
tdebugToggles Debug info.
occupationpaint(op)Toggles occupation painting. If used with country tag occupies all of their owned, not-controlled land.
setowner [<country tag>]Sets state owner.
setcontroller [<country tag>] [province id]Sets province controller.
xp [<XP amount>]Gives army, navy and air experience to the player. Can be used only once a day.
pp(fuhrer_mana,political_power) [PP amount]Gives or removes political power to the player.
fuel [<amount>]Adds fuel. Maximum is your current deposit capacity.
civilwar [<ideology>] [<target country tag>]Spawns a civil war.
add_party_popularity <ideology group> <value>Adds party popularity.
set_ruling_party <ideology group>Sets ruling party.
Focus.AutoComplete (fa)Allows national focuses to be finished immediately.
Focus.NoChecksIgnores focus requirements, while also affecting AI.
freefocuses (ff)Enables activating any focuses freely.
Focus.IgnorePrerequisitesIgnores focus prerequisites.
Decision.FastRemoveShortens decisions to one day
Decision.NoChecksIgnores decision requirements.
instant_prepareInstantly prepares naval invasions.
instanttraining (it)Instantly trains divisions and ships.
nuke [number]Adds nukes. You can do either 100 or 1000.
ai_acceptAI accepts all diplomatic deals.
add_core <state_id>Adds cores.
Agency.InstantMakes everything regarding agencies instant.
Agency.InstantSlotUnlockRemoves wait time between recruits.
Agency.AutocompleteInstantly completes your agency upgrades.
prevent_operative_detectionYour operatives won’t be detected anymore.
Operation.instantInstantly finishes all operations. Might also affect AI.
deleteallunits(delall) [country]Delete all armies and fleets of the specified countries.
deleteallunitsbut(delallbut) [country]Delete all countries’ armies and fleets, with the exception of specific country.
add_autonomy [<Target Country Tag>] [num]Changes a country’s autonomy level.
resistanceIncreases resistance in the selected province by set amount.
complianceIncreases compliance in the selected province in game by set amount.
add_intel [<Country tag 1>] [Country Tag 2] [civilian,army,navy,airforce]=[number]
add_intel [<Target Country tag>] [civilian,army,navy,airforce]=[number]
Sets the inputted intel the first tag has against the second tag. The set intel amount is a static value (the effect is permanent for the whole game).
add_minesMaximizes owned naval mines in selected regions.
acclimization [<climate type>] [<number>]Sets the selected division’s acclimatization to the specified climate type and its percentage (reduces penalties from cold/hot weather or temperature debuffs).
debug_smoothToggles framesmoothing.
guibounds(gui)Toggles the GUI bounds debug, allowing to test for different window sizes easier.
set_var [<variable>] [<value>]Changes the value of a variable to the specified value.
get_var [<variable>]Shows the value of a variable in the console.
list_varsLists the variables set in the selected scope and their values.
set_country_flag [<Country Flag>]Adds a country flag to currently played nation.
set_global_flag [<Global Flag>]Adds a global flag.
list_flagsLists currently active flags in the console windows.
trigger [<scripted_trigger_name>]Checks if a scripted trigger is true or not.
effect (eval_effect) (e) [<scripted_effect_name>]Executes a scripted effect.
ai [country tag…]Toggles the AI on or off.
aiviewEnable AI debug info.
human_aiMakes the AI control the country currently led by the player while the player also remains in control.
set_cosmetic_tag [<country tag>] [<cosmetic tag>]Changes the name and flag of the named country.
reload [<type>]Reloads files.
reloadoob [<Target Country Tag>]Reloads orders of battle.
reloadinterfaceReloads the entire interface.
reloadtechnologiesReloads the technology database.
updateequipmentsUpdates the equipment database.
updatesubunitsUpdates the subunit database.
update_loc [localization tag]Updates the localization tag file.
errorOpens the error log file
goto_province [province id]Moves the camera position to specified province.
goto_state [state id]Moves the camera position to the specified state.
rendertypeReports what render backend is used.
tweakerguiSpawns a tweaker GUI.
reloadfx [Arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename]Reloads the shader.
particle_editorSpawns a particle editor.
analyzetheatres(anth)Analyze theatres for errors.
massconquer(massc)Mass conquer tool. Requires direct province names. Filed under developer only.
aircombat(airc) [<scenario name>] [<result name>] [<province id>] [<state id with airbase>] [<state id with airbase>] [<equipment type>] [<equipment type>] [<equipment creator country>] [<equipment creator country>]Spawns an air combat in desired location.
frontsToggle visibility of the foreign fronts.
ai_front_dump (aifrontdump)Dump AI front data to log file, needs to have a unit selected.
traderoutesToggle visibility of trade routes.
debug_tacticsToggle visibility of debug tooltip for tactics.
reloadsupply(relsup)Reinitializes the supply systems.
deltat [<speed factor>]Controls animation speeds.
building_health(bhealth) [<building type>] [<state or prov id>] [<building level>] [<health to add>]Changes specified building health.
nomapiconsToggles map icons.
nopausetextToggles the pause banner. Helpful in taking screenshots.
nextsongChanges the currently playing soundtrack.
morehumans(humans) [num]Adds more humans.
window(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name]Opens or closes the specified window.
pollPolls valid Events.
pause_in_hoursPauses the game after X hours have passed after command is called.
testevent [<Event ID>] [<Character ID>]Tests an event without triggering it.
resignMakes you resign from the game.
add_interest [<Country tag>]Add specified country tag to your interest.
remove_interest [<Country tag>]Removes specified country tag from your interest.
add_diploAdds diplomatic entroute.
PrintSynchStuffPrints random count and seed.
SetRandomCountSets the random count to zero or arg.
ai_invasionToggles AI AI naval invasions.
ai_pp_logPrints AI use of PP to log.
ai_idea_desire_logPrints AI desire for ideas to log. For current country only.
ai_force_templateForce the AI to only spend army XP on template design.
ai_force_equipmentForce the AI to only spend army XP on equipment design.
ai_front_idGet the address of selected group’s front debug ID.
fow(debug_fow) [Province ID]Turns off fog of war, only within a province if specified.
collision(debug_collision)Toggles debug display of normals/bounding boxes/collision.
savegameMakes a save file.
savecheckMakes a save file, then loads the save file, and makes a new savegame. Those save files should look the same.
IPShows your IP.
requestgamestateRequests the gamestate from host.
nudgeGoes to the nudge tool.
mapmode [Mapmode type (int)]Changes map mode.
fullscreenToggles full screen.
pricesShows the information about price.
debug_zoomZooms in the game.
debug_typesPrints the data type for all dynamic reference objects. Can only be used if RTTI is used.
debug_show_event_IDShows event ID.
debug_commandsPrints commandcount to the message.log.
debug_eventsCounts events.
debug_dumpeventsAdds event data to the game log.
debug_diploactionsCounts diplomatic actions
debug_dumpdiploactions.Adds diplomatic actions data to the game log.
debug_assertToggles asserts on and off.
debug_nomouseToggles mouse scroll or wheel on and off.
debug_terrainToggles terrain on and off.
debug_citiesToggles cities painting mode on and off.
debug_waterToggles water on and off.
debug_frontsToggles interpolated fronts debug.
debug_off_front_snap(dbg_fsnap)Toggles offensive fronts snapping debug.
debug_bordersToggles borders on and off.
debug_treesToggles trees on and off.
debug_riversToggles rivers on and off.
debug_postfxToggles PostFX on and off.
debug_skyToggles Sky on and off.
debug_bloomToggles Bloom on and off.
debug_tooltipToggles tooltips on and off.
flagsoutput [<path>]Creates texture atlas files from memory.
cityreloadReloads the cities.
versionShows current game version.
debug_noguiToggles GUI on and off.
debug_volume [<Volume Delta>]Modifies music volume.
debug_lockcameraToggles camera lock on and off.
debug_linesToggles debug lines.
debug_entitiesToggles debug entities.
debug_infoToggles debug info.
debug_particleToggles particles debug info.
debug_ai_budget [CountryTag]Shows AI budget.
debug_texturesWrites texture info to debug log.
debug_textureDraws textures.
debug_wireframeToggles forced wireframe on and off.
debug_achievements_clearClears all achievements and user stats. Only for developers.
moveunit [<Unit ID>] [<Province ID>]Moves an unit to a province.
spawnactor [<Actorname>] [<Province ID>] [<Animation> OPTIONAL]Spawns an actor, with the animation being optional.
cameraclampToggles the camera clamping.
provtooltipdebug(tdebug)Toggles the debug info in province tooltip.
reloadweather [<randomseed>]Reload and regenerates weather.
weatherToggles weather simulation.
debug_air_vs_land(dbg_cas)Toggles debug mode for air vs land combat.
mapnamesToggles map names.
gbreloadReloads gradient borders. Only for developers.
gbpaint [layer] [channel]Toggles gradient border painting.
profilelogPrints profiling information into time.log.
runRuns the specified file.
trigger_docs(effect_docs, scripting_docs, docs)Prints docs for triggers, effects and so on to game.log file.
3dstatsToggles 3D Stats.
hdrToggles HDR.
hdr_debugToggles HDR debugging.
srgbToggles sRGB.
PostEffectVolumes.Default [posteffect_values name]Toggles default post effect values.
nightToggles night.
filewatcherToggles filewatcher.
createleanCreates LEAN textures.
helplogPrints out all console commands to game.log file.
helphelpDouble Rainbow help.
hsvConverts RGB to HSV.
tag_colorTests setting a country’s color.
browser [url]Shows browser window.
browser_base_url [url]Sets browser base URL.
airealismEnables realistic AI. Ultimately useless since doesn’t work in multiplayer, while chat is forbidden in single player.
instant_wargoalAllows instant justification of war goals on countries.
allowideasAllows the player to pick any idea.
release [<country tag>]Releases a country or releasable nation.
InternationalMarket.AddSubsidyForTags [<economic capacity>] [<equipment>] [<country tag>]Adds a subsidy for the player to buy off from a specified country.
random_seedRandomizes the current seed the game is using.
eval_effect [<country tag>] = { create_faction = “[faction name]” }Creates a faction with a specified name,
eval_effect [<country tag>] = { dismantle_faction = yes }Deletes the faction of specified country.
eval_effect [<country tag>] = { add_to_faction = [<country tag>] }Adds a country to a faction.
eval_effect [<country tag>] = { remove_from_faction = [<country tag>] }Removes a country from a faction.
eval_effect [<country tag>] = { set_faction_name = “[faction name]” }Renames the faction of the specified country.

HOI4 Country and Releasable Nations Tags

Third Reich expanding in Hearts of Iron 4.
Yeah, there are a lot of nations and countries in the game. Screenshot by Dot Esports via Paradox Interactive.

Many of the command mentioned in the list above require you to highlight a specific country. This is true in cases in which you want the command to impact this country or a nation. Therefore, below you’ll find the tags of each in-game country and releasable nation for these types of commands.

HOI4 Country Tags

  • Afghanistan – AFG
  • Albania – ALB
  • Angola – ANG
  • Argentina – ARG
  • Australia – AST
  • Austria – AUS
  • Belgium – BEL
  • Bhutan – BHU
  • Bolivia – BOL
  • Brazil – BRA
  • British Malaya – MAL
  • British Raj – RAJ
  • Bulgaria – BUL
  • Chile – CHL
  • China – CHI
  • Colombia – COL
  • Communist China – PRC
  • Costa Rica – COS
  • Cuba – CUB
  • Czechoslovakia – CZE
  • Denmark – DEN
  • Dominican Republic – DOM
  • Dominion of Canada – CAN
  • Dutch East Indies – INS
  • Ecuador – ECU
  • El Salvador – ELS
  • Estonia – EST
  • Ethiopia – ETH
  • Finland – FIN
  • France – FRA
  • German Republic – GER
  • Greece – GRE
  • Guangxi Clique – GXC
  • Guatemala – GUA
  • Haiti – HAI
  • Honduras – HON
  • Iceland – ICE
  • Iran – PER
  • Iraq – IRQ
  • Ireland – IRE
  • Italy – ITA
  • Japan – JAP
  • Kingdom of Hungary – HUN
  • Kingdom of Romania – ROM
  • Latvia – LAT
  • Liberia – LIB
  • Lithuania – LIT
  • Luxembourg – LUX
  • Manchukuo – MAN
  • Mengkukuo – MEN
  • Mexico – MEX
  • Mongolia – MON
  • Nepal – NEP
  • Netherlands – HOL
  • New Zealand – NZL
  • Nicaragua – NIC
  • Norway – NOR
  • Oman – OMA
  • Panama – PAN
  • Paraguay – PAR
  • Peru – PRU
  • Philippines – PHI
  • Poland – POL
  • Portugal – POR
  • Saudi Arabia – SAU
  • Shanxi – SHX
  • Siam – SIA
  • Sinkiang – SIK
  • South Africa – SAF
  • Soviet Union – SOV
  • Spain (Republican) – SPR
  • Spain (Nationalist) – D01
  • Sweden – SWE
  • Switzerland – SWI
  • Tannu Tuva – TAN
  • Tibet – TIB
  • Turkey – TUR
  • United Kingdom – ENG
  • United States – USA
  • Uruguay – URG
  • Venezuela – VEN
  • Xibei San Ma – XSM
  • Yemen – YEM
  • Yugoslavia – YUG
  • Yunnan – YUN

HOI4 Releasable Country Tags

  • Algeria – ALG
  • Angola – ANG
  • Azerbaijan – AZR
  • Bahamas – BAH
  • Bangladesh – BAN
  • Belize – BLZ
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina – BOS
  • Botswana – BOT
  • Burma – BRM
  • Burundi – BRD
  • Cameroon – CMR
  • Central Africa – CAR
  • Chad – CHA
  • Confederacy of American States – CSA
  • Congo-Brazzaville – RCG
  • Côte d’Ivoire – IVO
  • Croatia – CRO
  • Dahomey – DAH
  • Djibouti – DJI
  • East Germany – DDR
  • Equatorial Guinea – EQG
  • Eritrea – ERI
  • Gabon – GAB
  • Gambia – GAM
  • Ghana – GHA
  • Guinea – GNA
  • Guinea-Bissau – GNB
  • Guyana – GYA
  • Israel – ISR
  • Jamaica – JAM
  • Kazakhstan – KAZ
  • Kenya – KEN
  • Kingdom of Egypt – EGY
  • Kingdom of Jordan – JOR
  • Kingdom of Libya – LBA
  • Kingdom of Morocco – MOR
  • Korea – KOR
  • Kuwait – KUW
  • Kyrgyzstan – KYR
  • Lebanon – LEB
  • Malawi – MLW
  • Maldives – MLD
  • Mali – MLI
  • Malta – MLT
  • Mauritania – MRT
  • Melanesian Federation – FIJ
  • Moldova – MOL
  • Mozambique – MZB
  • Namibia – NMB
  • Netherlands Antilles – CRC
  • Niger – NGR
  • Nigeria – NGA
  • Northern Ireland – NIR
  • Pakistan – PAK
  • Palestine – PAL
  • Papua New Guinea – PNG
  • Puerto Rico – PUE
  • Republic of Armenia – ARM
  • Republic of Belarus – BLR
  • Republic of Cambodia – CAM
  • Republic of Cayenne – CAY
  • Republic of Cyprus – CYP
  • Republic of Georgia – GEO
  • Republic of Guadeloupe – GDL
  • Republic of Laos – LAO
  • Republic of Macedonia – MAC
  • Republic of Madagascar – MAD
  • Republic of Montenegro – MNT
  • Republic of Qatar – QAT
  • Republic of Slovenia – SLV
  • Republic of Suriname – SUR
  • Republic of Tajikistan – TAJ
  • Republic of The British Antilles – BAS
  • Republic of Trinidad and Tobago – TRI
  • Republic of Turkmenistan – TMS
  • Republic of Ukraine – UKR
  • Republic of Uzbekistan – UZB
  • Republic of Vietnam – VIN
  • Rwanda – RWA
  • Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic – WES
  • Scotland – SCO
  • Senegal – SEN
  • Serbia – SER
  • Sierra Leone – SIE
  • Slovakia – SLO
  • Somali Sultanate – SOM
  • Sudan – SUD
  • Sri Lanka – SRL
  • Syria – SYR
  • Tanzania – TZN
  • Togo – TOG
  • Tunisia – TUN
  • Uganda – UGA
  • Unaligned States of America – USB
  • United Arab Emirates – UAE
  • Upper Volta – VOL
  • Wales – WLS
  • West Germany – WGR
  • Zaire – COG
  • Zambia – ZAM
  • Zimbabwe – ZIM

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