A Plague Tale: Requiem is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by a French video game developer, Asobo Studio. Designed as a prequel to A Plague Tale: Innocence, released in May 2019, A Plague Tale: Requiem follows the story of Amicia and Hugo, who travel to the south to start their life anew, but the series of catastrophes force them to seek refuge elsewhere. With the release date of Oct. 18 never being closer, the hype surrounding the game has been through the roof. Since spoilers go hand in hand with the release hype, it’s no surprise that a series of spoilers has been circulating on the internet.
Some outlets received physical copies of A Plague Tale: Requiem ahead of time and made their appearance in retail stores, according to Video Games Chronicle. So, the videos of the game’s gameplay have now heavily infested social media. In case you’re a spoiler-sensitive gamer that doesn’t like his gaming experience tainted by spoilers, it’s advised to stay away from Reddit and Twitter until the game releases.
First revealed during Microsoft‘s E3 conference in June 2021, A Plague Tale: Requiem will release on Oct. 18 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and Switch. You can also buy a collector’s edition directly from Focus Entertainment’s online store that will, besides the game itself, include a statue, brooch, three lithographs, and the game’s soundtrack.
Published: Oct 14, 2022 05:26 am