Adam Friberg and Richard “Xizt” Landström, two former teammates of Robin “Fifflaren” Johansson on Ninjas in Pyjamas, backed up the accusations he made on Tuesday in an article published by Richard Lewis.
Here’s what Xizt, who played for NiP from 2012 to 2018 and is currently playing for Fnatic, said on Twitter.
Friberg, who played for NiP from 2012 to 2017 and is currently playing for Heroic, backed up those accusations:
Anders Blume, a popular CS:GO caster who was also involved with NiP in 2013 and 2014, running NiPTV, said he’ll talk to Richard Lewis himself at some point in the future about what went wrong back then.
The main point of Fifflaren’s accusation is that NiP owes the players money from the 2012 and 2013 period when they were the best CS:GO team in the world and won almost every LAN tournament in 2012. Fifflaren claims that the money was stolen from the players by NiP’s former management.
Additionally, Fifflaren said that the management also stole the money from a PayPal account which was designated for charity purposes. That’s when the story of the players connected with Anders, since they used NIPTV’s PayPal account.
The Swedish organization released a statement about the controversy yesterday. And CEO Hicham Chahine said he’s willing to speak with the former players and settle any unresolved issues.
Published: Jul 25, 2019 12:54 pm