With Dust II being out of the map pool, Mirage is the new Counter-Strike king in town. Also known as “Dust II 2.0” or “the new dust” due to it being played all the time in competitive, Mirage is a map we all know and love.
But as you go up the ranks, you’ll need to know some of the basic CS:GO smokes for your T-side on Mirage.
It’s integral to use your smokes efficiently and effectively to cut off chokepoints and leave enemies questioning what’s happening behind every grey cloud.
Some line-ups are fiddly, to say the least. There are run and jump throws, crouch and jump throughs, and probably crouch, run and jump throws. This can make things a little confusing and cause the skill ceiling in CS:GO to skyrocket.
There are some important smokes you should know, and the vast majority of the time, you’ll just need to know the jump and throw bind.
Once you know these Counter-Strike smokes, you’ll be the nade nerd on your team. You’ll be integral to each play on Mirage, and your teammates will know it too.
CS:GO Mirage smoke line-ups
Here are the line-ups you need to know on Mirage:
A site
Firstly, let’s start with stairs. This is an easy line-up that requires you to stand on this step, against the wall, and a simple throw where the crosshair is on the screenshot. It’ll be roughly in the middle of the rectangle in the screenshot.

All you have to do is throw, and you’ve got yourself a stairs smoke that’ll protect your palace players and your entry from A main.
The CT smoke covers the counter-terrorist entrance onto the site from their spawn. It’ll make it easier for you to plant behind triple, and even default. Just be wary of players poking up on top of the boxes next to the ticket booth.

Line up in this spot towards A main, and then line up your crosshair with the wooden beam on the side of the building. This is where the jump-and-throw bind comes in. You’ll have to use that to make it effective.
The next smoke is for the jungle area. This will block off the connector entrance, and jungle from the bomb site. Be careful for when players peek off the bench at the back.

To do this line-up, go to the second pole on the second level of a main. You’ll then aim to the left of the structure, which is shown in the screenshot. Do a regular throw and you’re in business.

B Site
The B site is the harder site to take down. You’ll most likely be pushing from the apartment’s spot, without control of mid and short. This will require some smokes to get you there. Pair these with molotovs and flashes, and you’ve got the site.
The first spot is the market window. You’ll get into this corner before the stairs outside of B apartments, and you’ll aim for the corner of the tall building. You’ll jump throw, and if you’ve done it correctly, it’ll land inside of the market window, blocking your opponents off but not giving them room to burst out of the smoke without you seeing them.

The next lineup is for van. This will help you push and not be taken out by someone sitting at the bench, or on the left side of the van.
To do this, you’ll go towards apartments but line yourself up with the middle wooden pole next to underpass. You’ll then throw where the crosshair is lined up in the picture, and you’ve got yourself a nice van smoke.

For get right and get left, which are the archways that cover short, you’ll have two separate smokes.
You’ll start off by lining up under the lamp outside the apartments. You’ll then aim where the crosshair is aiming in the screenshot and do a regular throw. To do the other side, you’ll go towards the window farthest away from apartments and look up at the sky. You’ll then aim between the pole and the roofing above and do a regular throw.

These smokes should cover both get right and get left on Mirage.

Smoking mid-window has a ton of different ways to do it. Some are way harder than they need to be, and here’s one that you can show to pretty much anyone.
You’ll like up where this corner is, just as you go up the stairs outside apartments, and you’ll aim where the crosshair is lined up, and you’ll do a regular throw. This will land in window without any gaps.

Now, get out onto Mirage and spread smoke across the map!
Published: Nov 23, 2022 12:32 am