Several weapon mastery camos in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 require the player to hit longshots to unlock them, but the longshot distance between yourself and your victim that is required varies between different weapon classes.
These longshot distance challenges appear for weapons like snipers, assault rifles, submachine guns, and marksman rifles at different points of the camo grind. But each of the weapons requires a different distance to count as a longshot kill since not all of them have the same range.
The mastery camo challenges are slightly different in MW2 than in past iterations of CoD with a shorter unlock time for Gold and more levels after Platinum. Regardless of which weapons the player is trying to level up, they will eventually have to overcome the dreaded longshot challenge.
To make the challenge easier, here are all of the distances needed to qualify for a longshot kill in MW2.
All MW2 longshot kill distances for every weapon class
Here are the longshot distances for each weapon class in MW2, ordered by range from shortest to longest.
- Shotguns: 12.5 meters
- Pistols: 20 meters
- Submachine guns: 30 meters
- Assault rifles: 38 meters
- Light machine guns: 38 meters
- Marksman rifles: 38 meters
- Battle rifles: 38 meters
- Sniper rifles: 50 meters
It can be difficult to differentiate a longshot from a regular kill, but MW2 has an added feature that allows players to ensure they earned a longshot kill with these weapons. When a longshot kill is earned, the player will receive a pop-up that reads “Longshot” followed by the distance the shot was taken from.
For the longshot challenges, LMGs, marksman rifles, and assault rifles all have the same longshot distance requirement. This means longshots may be easier for marksman rifles but may be more difficult for regular assault rifles.
To obtain a longshot kill with these rifles, the game will require players to get a kill from at least 38 meters away. For submachine guns, the distance is cut significantly, meaning players will have to get kills at just 30 meters away for it to count.
Best way to get longshot kills in MW2
In general, the best basic method for getting longshot kills is to post up and mount on a corner or head glitch and use a decent long-range scope to aim down common sightlines where enemies will appear.
With the distances above in mind, there are also certain maps that are best for picking up longshot kills, as well as particular attachments that aim to boost the range of your weapon of choice so that they’re more consistent at these longer ranges.
Best maps for longshot kills in MW2
El Asilo

El Asilo’s sightlines are great for longshots, I prefer to sit up top here by the back of the top of this hill and aim down into the main region of the map. Ideal for your heavier rifles—I wouldn’t try sniping heads with a shotgun or SMG here.
Santa Seña Border Crossing

Since these cars no longer blow up, the Santa Seña Border Crossing is heaven for longshots. I like to stand on top of a vehicle and rip shots at unsuspecting enemies down the road. Holding from the ground level from the side of the road is ideal for your closer-range weapons, too.
Shoot House

A classic longshot sightline from 2019’s Modern Warfare, I’ve always loved this Shoot House head-glitch because you can catch unsuspecting enemies crossing through the middle or pick off foes at the other end of the map.

I like Taraq for longshots because of its verticality. If you’re up higher than your foes, you can see more of them as they move around the area. Great for snipers and marksman rifles.
Zarqwa Hydroelectric

I love looking across the midway point of Zarqwa, especially on objective game modes, to catch enemies unaware as they look to move between spawn points.
Best optics for longshot kills in MW2

This scope doesn’t have the highest magnification, but I prefer it on all kinds of weapons thanks to its high visibility. From slug shotguns to your heavier assault and marksman rifles, the AIM OP-V4 will serve you well.
Ares Clear Shot

I love the Ares Clear Shot because of its visibility as well, but it offers a bit more magnification for longer-range use. Ideal for single fire or short bursts—but definitely wouldn’t hold down the trigger when using this scope.
VLK 4.0 Optic

While not as great as it was in the original MW, I think that the VLK 4.0’s magnification and wide sightline make it great for shots at a distance. I’ve found you can even use it on full auto weapons at great range, although you should definitely grab some recoil attachments.
Schlager 3.4x

When playing smaller maps, I like the Schlager 3.4x over the VLK 4.0 Optic since it doesn’t obscure your vision as much. It’s definitely worth changing up your optic based on the map but if you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all, it’s hard to look past the Schlager.
Published: Aug 3, 2023 2:25 PM UTC