kirito kamui
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5League of Legends
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Enter the True LCS Fantasy by Kirito Kamui Hi fellow summoners, LCS fans, lovers, and singlets! Varus the Cupid hasdescended upon us to rain chaos of attraction and affairs.
kirito kamui
kirito kamui
Feb 13, 2015
Patch 5.2 Analysis by Kirito Kamui, 2014 Season Master Tier ~~~ Overview Champion Changes Item Changes Jungle Changes Final Thoughts ~~~ Overview RIP Deathfire Grasp 2009-2015.
kirito kamui
kirito kamui
Feb 3, 2015
Patch 5.1 Breakdown and Analysis by Kirito Kamui, Master Tier ================ 1. Overview 2. Champion changes - buffs 3. Champion changes - nerfs 4. Item changes 5. Jungle changes 6. Map and Turretchanges 7.
kirito kamui
kirito kamui
Jan 20, 2015
Patch 4.21 Solo Queue Tier List by Kirito Kamui, NA Master Tier The onset of the preseason saw lots of changes in the balance department.
kirito kamui
kirito kamui
Dec 24, 2014