Apex Legends’ new takeover is a mix between Flashpoint and Mayhem. And it’s live.
The new Ultra Zones takeover is in rotation as the second step in Apex‘s War Games event. The mode adds more hot drop zones and brings in a little bit of the season six limited-time mode, Flashpoint, to the Apex Games.
In Ultra Zones, maps will spawn with more than one hot drop. This means that there will be plenty of opportunities to get your hands on high-tier gear—and plenty of people going after it. Each hot zone is enveloped in a Flash Point, a healing aura that regenerates health and shield for anyone inside it. Flash Points first appeared in Apex during the Aftermarket event in season six, as part of the mode by the same name.
The War Games event kicked off with the Second Chance game mode, but Respawn cut its time short due to a series of bugs regarding stat tracking, particularly for daily challenges. The developers swapped it out with the Armor Regen takeover, which regenerated players’ shields when not taking damage for a set period of time.
Three more modes are slated to enter the rotation after Armor Regen and Ultra Zones. Next week, players will try their hand at Auto Banners, which automatically picks up killed squadmates’ banner cards, and Killing Time, which reduces the ring’s closing time after each kill. Lastly, Second Chance is making a return to close off the event.
Here’s what the schedule looks like:
- Ultra Zones: Thursday, April 15 to Monday, April 19
- Auto Banners: Monday, April 19 to Wednesday, April 21
- Killing Time: Wednesday, April 21 to Friday, April 23
- Second Chance: Friday, April 23 to Tuesday, April 27
Published: Apr 15, 2021 03:09 pm