Respawn is taking care of network outages affecting Apex Legends this morning, according to an official tweet. Developers are “seeing improvements” with the servers, but will continue to look into the issue.
Downdetector, a website that collects user reports about service outages, indicated a significant spike in interruptions earlier this morning. The unofficial Apex Legends Status page reported a similar burst of occurrences. The issues seem to be dwindling, according to both websites, but they aren’t completely gone yet.
Apex experienced another server outage earlier this week. Respawn acknowledged an issue that prevented players from connecting to lobbies and deployed a server patch to tackle the interruptions. The team saw “significant improvements” after the fix, but would likely deploy another patch to “clean up some loose ends.”
The interruptions come in the final stretch of the Genesis event, which reintroduced the first versions of both Kings Canyon and World’s Edge into the rotation. Players can land on an intact Cascades or on Relay, or take the train and revisit Fuel Depot until July 13. Despite the connectivity issues, however, it’s unlikely that Respawn will extend the event past its deadline to make up for the lost time since the developers already have something scheduled for next week.
The Thrillseekers event kicks off on July 13, the same date as Genesis ends, to bring a new Arenas map called Overflow and a new set of cosmetics, as well as three new weekly reward tracks for the event—each with its own set of prizes.
Update July 11 10:36am CT: Respawn released an update yesterday that “seems to have resolved the network outages,” according to an official tweet.
Published: Jul 10, 2021 09:32 am