Apex Legends appears to be coming to Nintendo Switch on Feb. 2 when the new season drops, according to localized versions of its latest YouTube video. It will likely include cross-platform play.
Localized versions of Apex‘s latest video displayed an unexpected addendum. In addition to the customary “play for free” message that lists all available platforms, foreign language versions displayed another detail: “and play on Switch when season eight launches on Feb. 2,” it reads. Dot Esports saw the text in the Portuguese translation, but players reported the additional text in several different languages.
Apex has been teasing a Switch release for some time. Last October, game director Chad Grenier revealed the battle royale’s launch on the Nintendo platform would be pushed back to 2021.
“In order to do justice to the game and make it into the great experience Switch players deserve, our team needs more time,” Grenier said.
Switch players, however, will have access to “cross-platform play, our latest seasonal content, and full feature parity with the other versions of the game,” after the Switch release, according to Grenier. This means that Switch players will likely be able to experiment with cross-platform play in the same way that PlayStation and Xbox users already do.
The new season, Mayhem, debuts on Feb. 2 and will bring a host of other features in addition to a Switch launch—including the new legend Fuse, the 30-30 repeater rifle, and an “obliterated” version of Kings Canyon.
Published: Jan 18, 2021 01:57 pm