Players who receive items in bulk in Apex Legends could make great use of an upcoming quality of life change. Respawn will soon implement a feature to mark all items as read, according to senior game designer Daniel Klein.
Klein shared that the feature was “probably coming next patch,” which could be in January, according to another comment. The tool may not make its way to Apex in time for this year’s Holo-Day Bash, which kicks off on Dec. 1.
Season seven brought a series of quality of life changes to Apex, including improvements to attachment swaps and a feature that prevents other players from grabbing items from Replicators during the first five seconds unless pinged. The “mark as read” feature escaped the latest round of adjustments, but it should make its debut in the battle royale soon.
A “mark as read” feature has long been requested by the community. It’s particularly useful for players who open Apex Packs in bulk, for instance, during the limited-time bundle sales that offer dozens of loot boxes at a promotional price, or when Respawn gifted its players with 10 free Battle Pass levels as reparation for issues with progression.
Respawn has fulfilled a few requests for quality of life features in Apex, including the option to randomly choose between favorite skins for weapons and legends—but not all suggestions made the cut. One of the most popular fan demands is the ability to assign the top three favorite legends, which would automatically default character choice to a player’s top three picks. But this isn’t in the game—at least for now.
Published: Nov 25, 2020 09:43 am