Wordle may have certain hidden difficulties at first glance, but more experienced players may experience them. As easy as its rules are to understand, not all the details are explicit from the start.
The way hints interact with repeated letters for example can pose a big problem in finding some answers.
Whenever a word is guessed its letters become colored to indicate its presence or absence in the correct answer and to tell if they are in the correct positions.
But, when the attempt has a letter that appears repeatedly in the answer, it can only show one status: either as a letter present in the wrong position, or a letter present in the correct position. In both cases, it is not possible to know if the letter is repeated, because if it indicates the wrong position, you will just try to change its position while if it indicates the correct position, you will probably not try the same letter in another position.
There is no precise way to resolve this issue and players will have to do their best to get as much information out as quickly as possible while keeping in mind what possible answers might work.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words ending in ‘Y’
If you’ve used your first guesses and only managed to find that the correct answer has the letters “C” and “R”, here’s a list of five-letter words with those letters arranged in alphabetical order.
Five-letter words with ‘C’ and ‘R’ to try on Wordle
- acari
- acerb
- acers
- acker
- acorn
- acred
- acres
- acrid
- actor
- arced
- arcus
- areca
- areic
- artic
- auric
- barca
- baric
- birch
- boric
- brace
- brach
- brack
- bract
- brick
- broch
- brock
- bronc
- caber
- cabre
- cadre
- cager
- caird
- cairn
- caner
- caper
- carap
- carat
- carbo
- carbs
- carby
- cardi
- cards
- cardy
- cared
- carer
- cares
- caret
- carex
- cargo
- carks
- carle
- carls
- carns
- carny
- carob
- carol
- carom
- carpi
- carps
- carrs
- carry
- carse
- carta
- carte
- carts
- carve
- carvy
- cater
- caver
- cedar
- ceder
- ceorl
- cerci
- cered
- ceres
- cerge
- ceria
- ceric
- cerne
- ceros
- certs
- chair
- chara
- chard
- chare
- chark
- charm
- charr
- chars
- chart
- chary
- cheer
- chere
- chert
- chirk
- chirl
- chirm
- chiro
- chirp
- chirr
- chirt
- chiru
- choir
- chord
- chore
- churl
- churn
- churr
- cider
- cigar
- cimar
- circa
- circs
- cires
- cirls
- cirri
- citer
- claro
- clart
- clary
- clear
- clerk
- clour
- coarb
- cobra
- coder
- coirs
- color
- comer
- cooer
- coper
- copra
- coral
- coram
- corbe
- corby
- cords
- cored
- corer
- cores
- corey
- corgi
- coria
- corks
- corky
- corms
- corni
- corno
- corns
- cornu
- corny
- corps
- corse
- corso
- courb
- courd
- coure
- cours
- court
- cover
- cower
- cowry
- coyer
- craal
- crabs
- crack
- craft
- crags
- craic
- craig
- crake
- crame
- cramp
- crams
- crane
- crank
- crans
- crape
- craps
- crapy
- crare
- crash
- crass
- crate
- crave
- crawl
- craws
- crays
- craze
- crazy
- creak
- cream
- credo
- creds
- creed
- creek
- creel
- creep
- crees
- creme
- crems
- crena
- crepe
- crept
- crepy
- cress
- crest
- crewe
- crews
- cribs
- crick
- cried
- crier
- cries
- crime
- crimp
- crims
- crine
- crios
- cripe
- crise
- crisp
- crith
- crits
- croak
- croci
- crock
- crocs
- croft
- crogs
- cromb
- crome
- crone
- cronk
- crony
- crook
- crool
- croon
- crops
- crore
- cross
- crost
- croup
- crout
- crowd
- crown
- crows
- croze
- cruck
- crude
- cruds
- crudy
- cruel
- crues
- cruet
- crumb
- crump
- cruor
- crura
- cruse
- crush
- crust
- crusy
- cruve
- crwth
- crypt
- cuber
- curat
- curbs
- curch
- curds
- curdy
- cured
- curer
- cures
- curet
- curfs
- curia
- curie
- curio
- curli
- curls
- curly
- curns
- curny
- currs
- curry
- curse
- cursi
- curst
- curve
- curvy
- cuter
- cyber
- cyder
- cymar
- czars
- darcy
- daric
- decor
- decry
- dicer
- doric
- drack
- draco
- dreck
- drice
- duroc
- ecrus
- erect
- erica
- erick
- erics
- eruct
- escar
- facer
- farce
- farci
- farcy
- force
- frack
- fract
- franc
- frock
- furca
- grace
- grece
- grice
- gryce
- icers
- ichor
- icier
- icker
- incur
- lacer
- larch
- loric
- lucre
- lurch
- lycra
- lyric
- macer
- macro
- march
- marcs
- merch
- mercs
- mercy
- micra
- micro
- mucor
- mucro
- nacre
- narco
- narcs
- naric
- nicer
- occur
- ocher
- ochre
- ochry
- ocker
- ocrea
- oncer
- orach
- oracy
- orcas
- orcin
- orgic
- oscar
- pacer
- parch
- perce
- perch
- picra
- porch
- price
- prick
- pricy
- pucer
- pyric
- rabic
- raced
- racer
- races
- rache
- racks
- racon
- rance
- ranch
- ratch
- reach
- react
- rebec
- recal
- recap
- recce
- recco
- reccy
- recit
- recks
- recon
- recta
- recti
- recto
- recur
- recut
- reech
- relic
- retch
- riced
- ricer
- rices
- ricey
- richt
- ricin
- ricks
- roach
- rocks
- rocky
- roric
- rotch
- ruche
- rucks
- runch
- runic
- sacra
- scare
- scarf
- scarp
- scars
- scart
- scary
- scaur
- score
- scorn
- scour
- scrab
- scrae
- scrag
- scram
- scran
- scrap
- scrat
- scraw
- scray
- scree
- screw
- scrim
- scrip
- scrod
- scrog
- scrow
- scrub
- scrum
- scurf
- scurs
- serac
- seric
- siroc
- sucre
- taroc
- terce
- torch
- torcs
- toric
- trace
- track
- tract
- treck
- triac
- trice
- trick
- trock
- tronc
- truce
- truck
- ulcer
- ureic
- varec
- vicar
- vraic
- wrack
- wreck
- wrick
- xeric
- yarco
Published: Oct 26, 2022 08:15 pm