Wordle has many players who have gotten into the habit of sharing their results via social media. The challenge of guessing the five-letter word in up to six tries can be both a source of happiness and frustration.
One of the most common strategies for Wordle players is to start with words with a lot of vowels, to find out in fewer tries which vowels are in the secret word. Still, it’s important to remember that specific responses may contain only one vowel or none.
In these cases, it is important to have other ways of thinking since the possibility is high that the answer is a less common word than if it had several vowels.
It might be a good idea to test as many consonants as possible, starting with the ones that are most common to find in the answer like ‘N’, ‘R’, ‘S’, and ‘T’.
When finding the remaining letters is very difficult, even testing the most common consonants, it’s essential to evaluate the chances that there are also repeated consonants, it’s not the most common option, but it can happen, and thinking about it can save your winning streak.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words with ‘I’ and ‘O’
If after the first few attempts it was only possible to discover that the secret word starts with the letter ‘S’ and ends with the letter ‘P’, here is a list of words that start with ‘S’ and end with ‘P’, sorted alphabetically so you’ll have less trouble filtering your choices by the letters you’ve already eliminated.
Five-letter words with ‘I’ and ‘Y’ to try on Wordle
- acidy
- aiery
- aliya
- amity
- atimy
- ayins
- ayrie
- beigy
- bialy
- biccy
- biddy
- biffy
- biggy
- bigly
- bilby
- bilgy
- billy
- bingy
- birsy
- bitsy
- bitty
- bivvy
- bizzy
- blimy
- bliny
- briny
- byssi
- chivy
- ciggy
- cissy
- civvy
- cylix
- cynic
- daily
- dairy
- daisy
- deify
- deity
- diary
- dicey
- dicky
- dicty
- diddy
- dikey
- dilly
- dimly
- dingy
- dinky
- dippy
- dirty
- dishy
- ditsy
- ditty
- ditzy
- divvy
- dizzy
- doily
- drily
- dying
- edify
- eying
- eyrie
- eyrir
- fairy
- fiery
- fifty
- filly
- filmy
- finny
- firry
- fishy
- fisty
- fitly
- fizzy
- gaily
- giddy
- gilly
- gilpy
- gimpy
- ginny
- gippy
- gipsy
- girly
- goyim
- grimy
- gripy
- grisy
- gynie
- haily
- hairy
- hilly
- hinky
- hinny
- hiply
- hippy
- hissy
- hying
- hylic
- hyoid
- icily
- idyll
- idyls
- imply
- imshy
- inbye
- inlay
- irony
- itchy
- ivory
- jiffy
- jiggy
- jimmy
- jimpy
- jivey
- juicy
- kicky
- kiddy
- kiley
- kilty
- kindy
- kinky
- kirby
- kissy
- kitty
- kylie
- kylin
- kylix
- kyrie
- lairy
- laity
- layin
- limby
- limey
- lindy
- liney
- lingy
- linky
- linny
- linty
- lippy
- lying
- lyric
- lysin
- lysis
- lytic
- meiny
- micky
- middy
- midgy
- miffy
- mifty
- milky
- milty
- mimsy
- mincy
- mingy
- minny
- minty
- mirky
- mirly
- missy
- misty
- mizzy
- myoid
- mysid
- mythi
- nicky
- niffy
- nifty
- ninny
- nippy
- nirly
- nitry
- nitty
- noily
- noisy
- nying
- piccy
- picky
- piety
- piggy
- pigmy
- pikey
- piney
- pinky
- pinny
- piony
- pioye
- pioys
- pippy
- pisky
- pithy
- pricy
- primy
- privy
- pyins
- pyoid
- pyric
- pyxie
- pyxis
- rainy
- reify
- ribby
- ricey
- ridgy
- rifty
- riley
- rindy
- risky
- ritzy
- riyal
- roily
- sayid
- seity
- shily
- shiny
- sibyl
- silky
- silly
- silty
- sinky
- sippy
- sissy
- sixty
- skiey
- skivy
- slily
- slimy
- snipy
- soily
- spicy
- spiky
- spiny
- spiry
- stimy
- stivy
- styli
- sybil
- sylis
- thymi
- tichy
- ticky
- tiddy
- tilly
- tinny
- tinty
- tippy
- tipsy
- titty
- tizzy
- tripy
- twiny
- tying
- tyiyn
- typic
- ulyie
- unify
- unity
- vairy
- veily
- veiny
- vibey
- vichy
- viewy
- vinyl
- vying
- whiny
- whity
- wicky
- widdy
- wifey
- wifty
- wiggy
- willy
- wimpy
- windy
- winey
- wingy
- wispy
- withy
- witty
- xylic
- xysti
- yagis
- yaird
- yetis
- yield
- yiked
- yikes
- yills
- yince
- yipes
- yippy
- yirds
- yirks
- yirrs
- yirth
- yites
- yitie
- ylike
- yogic
- yogin
- yogis
- yoick
- yomim
- yonic
- yonis
- yowie
- yrivd
- zayin
- zincy
- zingy
- zinky
- zippy
- zymic
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and will give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right.
Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Beware of words that may have repeated letters and don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer.
These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.
Published: Aug 25, 2022 11:29 pm