Apex Legends players will notice a few small changes when dropping into maps today. The game introduced the first batch of teasers for the upcoming season 13 legend.
The teasers come in the form of billboards placed at various spawn points in the Control game mode. While there are a few different billboards that advertise various products, the one that’s most interesting to players features a silhouette and the words “The wait is over. He’s here!”
Judging by the shape of the silhouette, as well as the logo in the corners of the billboard that resembles a shield or even a tower in a castle, this is most likely a teaser for the introduction of Newcastle. Newcastle is a defensive legend who has long been rumored to join the Apex Games after it was revealed he was the runner-up to Forge to join the games in a teaser released during season three, over two years ago.
More recently, however, Newcastle was included in the massive leak of characters and other assets that appear to be future content planned for the game. Most of the characters featured in the leak are still early in development. Their character models only appear as firing range dummies and their abilities are either crudely animated or use animations from legends already in the game. Newcastle, however, has a full character model, unique animations for his abilities, and even legendary skins and emotes. That level of polish on the character seems to suggest that the teasers might be advertising the arrival of the shield-bearing legend.
A few eagle-eyed observers also noticed yet another Easter egg in the teasers. The silhouette is posed in almost the same exact way that Forge was pictured when he was briefly advertised as the season four legend.
Knowing Respawn and its love of trolling Apex players with Forge content, this seems completely intentional. This only serves as more confirmation that the next legend could be Newcastle, however, since it was Newcastle who some Syndicate members wanted to replace Forge in the games as opposed to Revenant, anyway. And at any rate, the shoulder armor and apparent mask in the silhouette don’t match Forge’s look at all. It’s safe to say, for the twentieth time, that Forge really is dead.
If you want to check out the new legend teasers and other billboards for yourself, look around the Control maps today. And if you want to know exactly where to look, take a look at the above map of possible spawn points.
Published: Apr 7, 2022 04:09 pm