Epic Games announced that fans can collectively earn points as a community to unlock the Autumn Queen animated weapon wrap, and here’s how you can help.
Fortnite players can hop in-game starting on Nov. 28 to earn points towards the Autumn Queen’s quest. Once the community collects 2.5 billion points, those who played at least one match during the event will unlock the animated weapon wrap.
The quest ends on Dec. 1 at 7pm CT, so players who want the wrap must hop in before that and play just one match.
If the community earns enough points, these players will be rewarded with the wrap on Dec. 6.
Here are the ways players can earn community points towards the quest:
- Revive a teammate – two points
- Heal allies with the Bandage Bazooka – one point per one health healed
- Play a match with a friend – five points
The best way to earn the most amount of points will be to hop into a squad match with three other friends and have somebody play as a designated medic.
One player in the squad should be focused on finding a Bandage Bazooka and offering as many bandages as possible.
If you don’t have any friends available to play, another option is to join a Team Rumble game. With this mode offering the ability to respawn, there will be plenty of opportunities to heal allies with the Bandage Bazooka.
There are millions of Fortnite players who play daily, so the community shouldn’t have a problem meeting the threshold.
Hop into Fortnite Chapter 2 and do your part by earning community points.
Published: Nov 28, 2019 12:55 pm