The newest League of Legends champion, Yuumi, caused quite a stir within the community when she was leaked yesterday, and for good reason. Just look at her. How cute is that?
Now that the secret is out, Riot is starting to feed hopeful players with some teasers of the new champion. And we’re gobbling her up. Who else just became a support main?
According to the latest teaser, Yuumi is in search of her master, who has presumably been away for a long time. She doesn’t seem that upset that they’re gone, which means they probably left on a quest of their own. She just wants to be reunited—it turns out that kittens really do long for the companionship of their masters.
Her companion during her own adventure is a magical spellbook that appears mute but responds to her like a person. Think of the magic carpet from Aladdin. In the video, she talks to the spellbook about where to go—maybe one of her abilities is a tracking skill, kind of like Warwick’s W. We suppose that whatever dogs can do, cats can do better.
She might also have a backtrack skill Ă la Ekko ult. From the way Runeterra’s changed in the pages of her book, it appears that she’s been searching for her master for some time. This obviously points to her master being another wandering mage who’s been around forever—like Ryze—but we’re not sure her personality and graphics fit him.
What’s clear is that, like any cat, she loves fish. That, and she’s cute as tarnation.
“Yuumi is coming to PBE soon,” according to the trailer’s official description.
Published: Apr 25, 2019 12:15 pm