Riot Games ships a new League of Legends patch every two weeks, but one stealthy jungler has been avoiding the nerf hammer for a couple of months now, and there are no signs of incoming nerfs anytime soon.
According to, Evelynn is comfortably sitting at a 52.13 percent win rate in Emerald+ games, and her ban rate is a whopping 16.8 percent. At first glance, this doesn’t look all too bad, but she’s had a similar win and ban rate for several patches now. Evelynn’s win rate dropped slightly starting with season 14, but once players discovered the secret tech of Stormsurge and the new and improved Lich Bane, she became unstoppable.
Even though she had a couple of tweaks in Patches 14.2 and 13.24, Riot hasn’t tweaked Evelynn’s stats and damage numbers properly since season 12. This means she didn’t get any buffs or nerfs and sneakily waited for her time to shine. Riot nerfed other junglers over time, and as others grew weaker, Evelynn grew stronger.
On top of that, the season 14 items really complemented Evelynn’s burst playstyle, where she aims to catch enemies off-guard and take down their backline before a teamfight. She can easily punish players wandering the river or jungle alone or when rotating to a different lane.
If you fancy picking up Evelynn before Riot sees my article and smacks her with a nerf, I recommend you pick up Electrocute as your main keystone, and follow that with Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Relentless Hunter. For secondary runes, go for the Sorcery tree and choose Gathering Storm and Absolute Focus. Your first items should be Stormsurge and Sorcerer Shoes. If you get ahead, you can pick up Mejai’s Soulstealer and Rabadon’s Deathcap early.
Published: Feb 19, 2024 05:54 am