Many of the players who play Wordle everyday look for ways to improve their performance, thus maintaining their winning streak more easily. Still, extra help may be needed from time to time.
One of the easiest ways to improve is by following the tips and stats from WordleBot, the Wordle assistant designed to help New York Times subscriber players improve their guesses based on criteria analyzed by all games played on the site every day.
Many data are available to the player, such as an average of the results of other players, which words are most common to use in each attempt, and even which are the best words to use according to the available hints.
Although only subscribed players can take advantage of the tool, some of the words that WordleBot has already judged as best to start in Wordle are “CRANE,” “SLATE,” “TRACE,” “SLANT,” and “CRATE”.
Related: Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words starting with ‘A’
If you’ve used your first guesses but need help deciding what to guess next after finding out the answer has the letter “O” and the letter “R” at the end, here’s a list of five-letter words that might help, arranged alphabetically.
Five-letter words with ‘O’ and ending in ‘R’ to try on Wordle
- abhor
- actor
- algor
- amour
- arbor
- ardor
- armor
- bevor
- bolar
- boner
- borer
- bower
- boxer
- boyar
- choir
- clour
- coder
- color
- comer
- cooer
- coper
- corer
- cover
- cower
- coyer
- cruor
- decor
- dolor
- doner
- donor
- doper
- doser
- doter
- douar
- dover
- dowar
- dower
- dozer
- ephor
- error
- favor
- fetor
- floor
- flour
- fluor
- fouer
- foyer
- furor
- gator
- gofer
- goier
- gomer
- goner
- homer
- honer
- honor
- hoper
- hoser
- hover
- humor
- ichor
- joker
- jowar
- juror
- koker
- labor
- livor
- lobar
- loner
- loper
- loser
- lover
- lower
- major
- manor
- maror
- mayor
- mhorr
- milor
- minor
- moder
- mohur
- molar
- moner
- moper
- motor
- mover
- mower
- mucor
- nagor
- nidor
- noser
- noter
- oaker
- oater
- occur
- ocher
- ocker
- odder
- odour
- offer
- ofter
- ogler
- oiler
- older
- oller
- omber
- oncer
- opter
- order
- ormer
- oscar
- osier
- other
- ottar
- otter
- outer
- owler
- owner
- oxter
- payor
- poker
- polar
- poler
- porer
- poser
- power
- prior
- pudor
- razor
- rigor
- roger
- roker
- roper
- rotor
- rover
- rower
- rumor
- sapor
- savor
- scour
- senor
- shoer
- smoor
- sober
- sofar
- soger
- solar
- soler
- sonar
- sopor
- sorer
- sowar
- sower
- spoor
- stoor
- stour
- sudor
- sutor
- tabor
- taxor
- tenor
- toker
- tolar
- toner
- toper
- toter
- tower
- toyer
- trior
- tumor
- tutor
- twoer
- valor
- vapor
- vigor
- visor
- vizor
- volar
- vomer
- voter
- vower
- wooer
- yoker
- zoner
Published: Feb 23, 2023 11:30 pm