Many of the everyday Wordle players are concerned with using good strategies to keep their winning streaks high, but there are some obstacles that come up every now and then that make them need help to win.
One of the biggest difficulties for Wordle players is the repeated letter responses. The way hints are given at each attempt ends up making it difficult to identify a response with a repeated letter. The only way to find out that an answer has repeated letters through the hints is by guessing a word that also has the repeated letter, in addition to having to hit one of its positions correctly.
As the chances are very small and not very productive either, the best thing to do is usually to always use words with common letters, as they are the best to eliminate many possible answers at once.
If you haven’t found the correct answer yet, but you already know that it has the letter “H” and ends with “E”, here is a list that can help you figure out your next attempts. All the words in this list are accepted by Wordle, but the ones that are more common are more likely to be the correct answer, so try to start guessing them.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words with ‘A’ and ending in ‘E’
Five-letter words with ‘H’ and ending in ‘E’ to try on Wordle
- aruhe
- bathe
- boche
- cache
- chace
- chafe
- chape
- chare
- chase
- chave
- chere
- chide
- chile
- chime
- chine
- chive
- chode
- choke
- chore
- chose
- chuse
- chute
- chyle
- chyme
- cohoe
- dhole
- eathe
- evhoe
- evohe
- fehme
- fiche
- gighe
- hable
- halse
- halve
- hance
- hanse
- haole
- haste
- hause
- haute
- hawse
- hayle
- heame
- heare
- heave
- hedge
- heeze
- hefte
- helve
- hence
- henge
- heroe
- herse
- herye
- hinge
- hiree
- hithe
- hoise
- homie
- homme
- hoove
- horde
- horme
- horse
- house
- howbe
- howre
- hoyle
- hynde
- hythe
- kithe
- kythe
- lathe
- lethe
- lithe
- lythe
- mache
- mahoe
- miche
- nache
- niche
- ochre
- ohone
- ouphe
- owche
- phage
- phare
- phase
- phene
- phese
- phone
- phyle
- rache
- raphe
- rathe
- rheme
- rhime
- rhine
- rhone
- rhyme
- rhyne
- ruche
- sadhe
- shade
- shake
- shale
- shame
- shape
- share
- shave
- shere
- shine
- shire
- shite
- shive
- shone
- shope
- shore
- shote
- shove
- shule
- shute
- sidhe
- sithe
- sythe
- tache
- thane
- thebe
- theme
- there
- these
- thete
- thine
- thole
- those
- thrae
- three
- throe
- thyme
- tithe
- tophe
- tythe
- vehme
- whale
- whare
- where
- while
- whine
- white
- whole
- whore
- whose
- withe
Published: Feb 16, 2023 11:06 pm