Wordle is a very popular casual game and its difficulty may not show at first glance, so it is common for some players to need a little help from time to time.
Each player has six tries to guess a secret word correctly, so most of the game time is spent thinking about which word to guess next. Those who want to get off to a good start in the game can try starting with words like “SLATE”, “CARTE”, or “SLANT”, as they are great words to secure early hints.
Related: Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words with ‘A’ and E in them
If you’ve already used your first guesses and only found out the answer has the letter “E” and starts with the letter “H”, here’s a list of five-letter words with those letters to help you think of your next guess. All words in this list are valid, just remember that starting to guess common words guarantees more chances of guessing the correct word of the day.
Five-letter words with ‘E’ and starting with ‘H’ to try on Wordle
- hable
- hacek
- haded
- hades
- haems
- haets
- hajes
- hakea
- hakes
- haled
- haler
- hales
- halse
- halve
- hamed
- hames
- hance
- hanse
- haole
- hared
- harem
- hares
- haste
- hated
- hater
- hates
- hause
- haute
- haven
- haver
- haves
- hawed
- hawse
- hayed
- hayer
- hayey
- hayle
- hazed
- hazel
- hazer
- hazes
- heads
- heady
- heald
- heals
- heame
- heaps
- heapy
- heard
- heare
- hears
- heart
- heast
- heath
- heats
- heave
- heavy
- heben
- hebes
- hecht
- hecks
- heder
- hedge
- hedgy
- heeds
- heedy
- heels
- heeze
- hefte
- hefts
- hefty
- heids
- heigh
- heils
- heirs
- heist
- hejab
- hejra
- heled
- heles
- helio
- helix
- hello
- hells
- helms
- helos
- helot
- helps
- helve
- hemal
- hemes
- hemic
- hemin
- hemps
- hempy
- hence
- hends
- henge
- henna
- henny
- henry
- hents
- hepar
- herbs
- herby
- herds
- heres
- herls
- herma
- herms
- herns
- heroe
- heron
- heros
- herry
- herse
- hertz
- herye
- hesps
- hests
- hetes
- heths
- heuch
- heugh
- hevea
- hewed
- hewer
- hewgh
- hexad
- hexed
- hexer
- hexes
- hexyl
- heyed
- hided
- hider
- hides
- hiems
- hiked
- hiker
- hikes
- hinge
- hired
- hiree
- hirer
- hires
- hithe
- hived
- hiver
- hives
- hizen
- hoaed
- hoers
- hogen
- hohed
- hoise
- hoked
- hokes
- hokey
- holed
- holes
- holey
- homed
- homer
- homes
- homey
- homie
- homme
- honed
- honer
- hones
- honey
- hooey
- hoove
- hoped
- hoper
- hopes
- horde
- horme
- horse
- hosed
- hosel
- hosen
- hoser
- hoses
- hosey
- hotel
- hoten
- house
- hovea
- hoved
- hovel
- hoven
- hover
- hoves
- howbe
- howes
- howre
- hoxed
- hoxes
- hoyed
- hoyle
- huers
- huger
- hules
- hyena
- hyens
- hykes
- hyleg
- hyles
- hymen
- hynde
- hyped
- hyper
- hypes
- hythe
Published: Feb 9, 2023 11:21 pm