Riot Games’ is throwing VALORANT a huge month-long party to celebrate its first birthday. The YR1 event is a collection of events and programs for players to participate in, with all kinds of rewards available. Players can earn items from a Community battle pass and a free YR1 event pass, revisit the Night Market, vote on which skins they want to return in a Give Back bundle, and more.
In addition to all this, players can earn three YR1 limited edition player cards that each celebrate Episodes One, Two, and Three of VALORANT. You can’t earn them all at once, but it doesn’t appear too difficult to get all three.
How to claim the YR1 limited edition cards
The first card, celebrating Episode One, was likely going to be originally acquired via the code Redemption page. However, due to the various issues with the page and previous cards available by code, Riot are just gifting the first card directly to players. Check your inventory in-game to earn the first card.
The second card, celebrating Episode Two, is available to claim via a Prime Gaming drop on Twitch. Any Prime Gaming member, which any Amazon Prime member automatically is, will be available to acquire this card from the Prime Drops section starting right now. There is a loot icon on the right side of the top toolbar on Twitch’s homepage, but you can also go directly to the Prime Gaming loot page.
The third card, celebrating Episode Three, does not have a date listed but will be part of the YR1 event pass. The YR1 event pass is a free battle pass with seven levels to it, with numerous rewards including the Episode Three card. That pass goes live on June 22 and is available until July 6, giving you two weeks to earn the final card.
Published: Jun 2, 2021 12:20 pm