One of the biggest dilemmas in a VALORANT player’s life is about their crosshair size. As much as tiny dot crosshairs can seem like headshot machines, nothing seems as consistent as the ‘OG’ plus-shaped crosshair used by FPS players for generations. Choosing a crosshair can be tough, but the community has you covered.
In a Reddit post dated Oct. 8, a player named u/6898jayjay shared how they tend to lose focus with smaller crosshairs and perform better with larger ones. They inquired about the benefits and drawbacks of both sizes, sparking a discussion about what the ideal crosshair size in VALORANT really is.
Interestingly, while most players sided with smaller crosshairs as they’re “non-distracting,” they didn’t disregard the benefit of a bigger crosshair either.
“Smaller crosshairs are generally more accurate and don’t obscure your view of small targets such as the heads of distant enemies, but it’s no use using a crosshair so tiny you lose track of it,” one player wrote. They also stressed that trying a tiny crosshair might not be the best choice for beginners, and I agree.
Another player shared an apt rule when it comes to crosshair sizes in VALORANT. “The rule of thumb is bigger = more accurate and smaller = more precise,” they said. “If you want to hit a consistent spray and know exactly where the majority of your bullets will fall, a bigger crosshair is better.”
I too began with TenZ’s iconic plus crosshair, like most other VALORANT players. It was difficult for me to aim with a smaller crosshair when I first started.
As I ranked up, I shifted toward a smaller and thinner plus-shaped crosshair, and now, I can’t go back. My crosshair code is 0;P;c;1;h;0;0t;1;0l;3;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0, in case you’re wondering (you’re welcome). I still find it difficult to track dot crosshairs, but realized that a small plus is just right for me.
“It’s personal preference,” a third player wrote, and it can’t get any more accurate than this. Interestingly, this advice applies to not just crosshair size in VALORANT but to most things in life. You can use cool, unconventional crosshairs over bland ones and be a headshot machine if you’re determined enough.
So, if you’ve been playing VALORANT for a while and are comfortable with the quirks of crosshair placement, try experimenting with the sizes available and choose the one you feel most comfortable with.
Also, don’t change crosshairs every 10 shots you miss, and I’m speaking from experience. It’s not going to get you anywhere. Try sticking to one style for at least a week before deciding it’s not the right one for you.
Published: Oct 9, 2023 09:58 am