If you come across error code 403 in THE FINALS, it’s actually more than just an error message. It’s a sign you’ve stepped out of line in some way during the open beta and are now facing the consequences.
What does error code 403 mean in THE FINALS?
Error code 403 in THE FINALS means you’ve been blocked from launching the game or your account has been suspended.
This usually happens because you’ve done some kind of unauthorized activity, which includes things like getting around the game’s anti-cheat measures or using unapproved third-party software, scripts, and drivers that change how the game plays, or its files.
So, THE FINALS error code 403 isn’t exactly an error in the traditional sense. It’s actually a safeguard to keep the game fair and safe for everyone who plays. If you’re seeing this code, it means you’ve broken the rules.
Can you fix error code 403 in THE FINALS?
Error code 403 is not something you can just fix on your own. However, if you are faced with this error and think it’s been wrongly applied to you, the best move is to get in touch with player support at THE FINALS.
Head over to the official support page to start this process. When you reach out, remember to give them as much detail as you can to make your case clear.
How to report other players in THE FINALS
If you’ve spotted another player doing something suspicious, you have a couple of ways to report them.
In the game, just hit the escape button and enter their name to flag their actions. Outside the game, you can reach out to support directly and send them a recording or screenshot of the player’s questionable behavior to make your case stronger.
Published: Oct 30, 2023 09:25 pm