If are looking to build your own custom spaceship in Starfield, then leveling up your Starship Design Skill is essential. This skill allows you to purchase and install high-quality modules to your ship, improving mobility, weapon systems, shields, crew capacity, and more.
In order to unlock and upgrade Skills in Starfield, you not only need to invest Skill Points into your desired perk, but you also must complete a certain task a specific number of times before that upgrade becomes available. Ship Skills can be extremely time-consuming to unlock as it often requires you to grind out very specific situations that you don’t always have control over.
Thankfully, there is an easy way to level up the Starship Design Skill fairly quickly, so you only need to worry about getting enough Skill Points. If you are looking to upgrade your Starship Design Skill in Starfield, here’s what you need to do.
Requirements to Upgrade Starship Design in Starfield
In order to fully max out your Starship Design Skill in Starfield, you need to install 50 total unique ship modules to your ship. A unique ship module is any attachment, such as a ship weapon, cockpit, or other ship parts, that has not previously been added to your spaceship.
Below are the exact requirements to upgrade to each tier of the Starship Design Skill:
- Tier One – Spend Eight Skill Points to unlock this Skill
- Tier Two – Install Five unique ship modules
- Tier Three – Install 15 unique ship modules
- Tier Four – Intsall 30 unique ship modules
Each tier allows you to purchase and install better ship parts. By the end of this Skill tree, you can build a better vessel than any pre-built you might come across.
How to level up the Starship Design Skill in Starfield fast
The easiest way to level up the Starship Design Skill in Starfield is by visiting ship technicians found at any spaceport and purchasing Structural materials. Ship modules range in price depending on what you are in the market for. Though most high-quality weapon modules can be up to 50,000 Credits, most structural ship parts cap out at around 600 Credits.
After you purchase a batch of structural ship modules, open the shipbuilders and install your newly acquired pieces. In order to level up this Skill, you do not need to keep these modules attached and instead can delete the modules right after you place the pieces.
Given that you need to purchase and install 50 ship pieces, purchasing all these structural pieces can quickly add up, even if it is the cheapest option. I highly recommend stockpiling Credits before attempting this task. Completing main story missions or even faction missions are both great ways to load up on Credits before burning through your money at a Ship Technician.
Published: Oct 13, 2023 05:06 pm