Pokémon Go is celebrating the end of 2023 in style with a bumper community day in December that brings some familiar faces back into the spotlight again.
On Dec. 16 and Dec 17, Pokémon that appeared in community day events in 2023 will appear in the wild once again, while Pokémon that featured in 2022’s community day will hatch from eggs, appear in raids, and be given as reward encounters for timed research.

As a result, it’s the perfect time to tick off progress in your Pokédex with a whopping 13 Pokémon appearing more frequently in the wild, including their Shiny forms, and 12 Pokémon hatching from eggs and given as reward encounters.
On Dec. 16, between 2 pm and 5 pm local time, players can encounter Slowpoke, Galarian Slowpoke, Togetic, Chespin, Fennekin, and Noibat. On Dec. 17, between 2 pm and 5 pm, Poliwag, Wooper, Paldean Wooper, Timburr, Axew, Froakie, and Grubbin will take center stage with more regular appearances in the world.
Across both days, the Pokémon that feature as egg hatches and as reward encounters for timed research will give players a chance to grab Sandshrew, Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Geodude, Hoppip, Teddiursa, Galarian Zigzagoon, Spheal, Starley, Roggenrola, Litwick, Deino, and Stufful—with Shiny forms available for all.
If that wasn’t enough, the last 10 minutes of every hour on both days of the event will see Charmandar, Squirtle, Mareep, Swinub, and Larvitar appear in the wild and, once again, will provide a chance to get hold of their Shiny forms.
Pokémon featured in the event can then be evolved between 9 am on Dec. 16 local time and 9 pm on Dec. 16 local time to receive a featured attack, including Hydro Cannon for Blastoise, Smack Down for Tyranitar, Ancient Power for Mamoswine, and Frenzy Plant for Chesnaught.
I’m delighted to see both types of Sandshrew returning for another spell in the spotlight, even though I have several Shiny forms of both already in my collection. No amount of Shiny Sandslash’s will ever be enough.
Published: Nov 28, 2023 09:32 am