At Pokémon Go Fest: Seattle, players are encountering several Pokémon they might not encounter anywhere else while adventuring around the city, Seattle Center Park, and a handful of digital habitats that rotate throughout the event.
In each of those habitats, players can encounter specific Pokémon that match the overall theme: Dreamy Mindscape, Electric Garden, The Oasis, and Cloud Sanctuary.
Throughout the event, which runs from July 22 to 24, players will use those habitat spawns and the eventual removal of limitations to finish a handful of Collection Challenges. Anyone playing from home will also have a Collection Challenge tie-in with Go Fest: Seattle, along with the Global Challenge tied to the upcoming Hisuian Festivities event.
For anyone looking to complete every challenge during Go Fest: Seattle, here are all of the Collection Challenges and the Pokémon you need to encounter for each.
All Pokémon Go Fest: Seattle Collection Challenges
Dreamy Mindscape
- Catch a Krabby
- Catch a Staryu
- Catch a Lapras
- Catch a Qwilfish
- Catch a Mantine
- Catch a Numel
- Catch a Gible
- Catch a Panpour
Total Rewards: 2,022 Stardust, Gible encounter, and one Incense
Electric Garden
- Catch an Alolan Grimer
- Catch a Spinarak
- Catch an Electrike
- Catch a Lileep
- Catch a Combee
- Catch a Blitzle
- Catch a Skorupi
- Catch a Foongus
Total Rewards: 2,022 Stardust, Combee encounter, and one Incense
The Oasis
- Catch a Poliwag
- Catch a Drowzee
- Catch a Jynx
- Catch a Snorlax
- Catch a Sableye
- Catch a Lunatone
- Catch a Yamask
- Catch a Litwick
Total Rewards: 2,022 Stardust, Litwick encounter, and one Incense
Cloud Sanctuary
- Catch an Alolan Vulpix
- Catch a Togetic
- Catch a Skarmory
- Catch a Swablu
- Catch a Pansage
- Catch a Pansear
- Catch a Cottonee
- Catch a Rufflet
Total Rewards: 2,022 Stardust, Rufflet encounter, and one Incense
The Oasis (Tie-in)
- Catch a Slowpoke
- Catch a Krabby
- Catch a Staryu
- Catch a Qwilfish
- Catch a Mantine
- Catch a Clamperl
Total Rewards: 2,022 Stardust, Panpour encounter, and two Pinap Berries
Published: Jul 22, 2022 09:29 pm