One of the most important things in Overwatch 2 is finding the best crosshair settings to suit your playstyle. Since the game has multiple characters with different abilities and weapons, it is essential that you construct the best crosshair for each character.
It might not seem like much, but having the optimal crosshair settings on any given hero can make a world of difference during clutch moments, regardless of which one you’re playing. It can do everything from make it easier to hit targets, see projectiles, see the area around them, work better with tracking targets, flick shooting, and more.
If you’re looking for the best crosshair settings for each Overwatch 2 hero, here’s a breakdown of them all categorized into each role: tank, DPS, and support.
Table of contents
Best crosshair settings for Overwatch 2 tank heroes
Best D.VA crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: Seven
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Doomfist crosshair

- Type: Dot
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: 6.5
- Dot Opacity: 100 percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Junker Queen crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: Zero
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Mauga crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: 17
- Center Gap: 3
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 90 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: 100 percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Orisa crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: 0.5
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Ramattra crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: 10
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Reinhardt crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: 7
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Roadhog crosshair

- Type: Dot
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Thickness: Two
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Eight
- Dot Opacity: 100 percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Sigma crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: Seven
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Winston crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: 1.5
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: 10
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Wrecking Ball crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Eight
- Center Gap: 0
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Zarya crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: Seven
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best crosshair settings for Overwatch 2 DPS heroes
Best Ashe crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Seven
- Center Gap: Zero
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Bastion crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Seven
- Center Gap: Three
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Cassidy crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Five
- Center Gap: Zero
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Echo crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Five
- Center Gap: Five
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Genji crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Seven
- Center Gap: Seven
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Hanzo crosshair

- Type: Dot
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Four
- Dot Opacity: 100 percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Junkrat crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Seven
- Center Gap: Five
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Mei crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Five
- Center Gap: Seven
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Pharah crosshair

- Type: Dot
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Five
- Dot Opacity: 100 percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Reaper Crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Seven
- Center Gap: Seven
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Sojourn crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Seven
- Center Gap: Zero
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Soldier 76 crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Six
- Center Gap: 3.5
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Sombra crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Six
- Center Gap: Three
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Symmetra crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Three
- Center Gap: Nine
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Zero
- Dot Opacity: Zero percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Torbjorn crosshair

- Type: Dot
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Thickness: One
- Outline Shift: One
- Dot Size: Five
- Dot Opacity: 100 percent
- Scale with Resolution: On

Best Tracer crosshair

- Type: Crosshairs
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Cyan, Green, or Magenta
- Thickness: One
- Crosshair Length: Six
- Center Gap: Three
- Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Color: Black
- Outline Opacity: 100 percent
- Outline Thickness: One
Published: Dec 9, 2024 06:00 am