Riot has confirmed that due to lack of quality and standards, the Sewn Chaos skins for Amumu and Blitzcrank will be removed from League of Legends at this current time, with no timeslot or notion if they will ever be released.
“I am Carlos,” a producer on Riot’s skins team, made a post on the General PBE Feedback message board in order to break this news to the community.
“Sometimes we work on things that just don’t end up hitting our quality bar,” Carlos said “And usually, we try to cut those things well before they actually hit PBE, but in this case, we were a little too late. The truth is neither Sewn Chaos Blitzcrank nor Sewn Chaos Amumu hit the quality expected of our recent skins, so we’re making the call to remove them.
So what does this mean for Blitz and Amumu skins in the immediate future? Well, we’re going to head back to the lab and figure out how to give both champs the skins they deserve. And we’d like to hear your ideas for skins that would best represent these champs.
We don’t have an exact timeline for when these two will have new skins come out, but we can promise that we will not forget about them. As always, thanks for having patience with us as we figure out how to approach these problems.”
For more information on this situation, check out the forum post here.
Adam Newell is a journalist for @GAMURScom and can be contacted in ways displayed below. If you have any tips or want anything covered, be sure to let us know:
Twitter: @MonkeyKingHero
Photo credits: Riot Games
Published: Jan 25, 2017 09:10 am