Healing in Marvel Rivals is no easy feat, especially with the role of Strategists not being too popular. And now, those who play healers have pointed out other Heroes who are the toughest to support in games.
The discussion was sparked by a Strategist main on Reddit on Jan. 19. They wanted others’ opinions on the most annoying Heroes to heal, and Marvel Rivals players had an abundance of picks to share.

The top comment at the time of writing made a really valid point. “Anyone in front of Groot,” they wrote. As a Strategist main myself, I can’t argue with this logic. A disappointing Groot player often puts walls in front of themselves and separates our melee Duelists from the rest of the team, including our healers, banishing them to death. “A bad Groot is the worst. They wall off other players and themselves, and then people get mad they aren’t getting healed,” another player said.
Another user called out one of the most annoying Duelists to heal—Spider-Man. “They’re spamming ‘need healing’ while flying around unpredictably at Mach 7,” one player wrote. For anyone who has played healers like Luna Snow, who has to aim at her allies in order to heal them with auto attacks, this couldn’t have been more true. We get it, Parker mains. You’re mobile, but if you’re in need of a heal, just stick to a wall for a second or two.
Other comments mentioned specific types of players instead of certain champions, and they couldn’t have hit closer to the bone. “The ones that jump into a literal six vs. one and then wonder why I couldn’t outheal six sources of damage,” a top comment reads. I can’t help but agree with this one as well. We know Vanguards’ job is often to disrupt the enemy team, but if you’re up against the whole team, there’s no Strategist in Marvel Rivals who can keep you alive in that scenario.

And last but not least, there are players who spam requests for heals while their supports are being targeted by enemy assassins like Psylocke or Magik, as pointed out by another player.
I can’t recall how many times Duelists or Vanguards complain about the lack of healing only to be silenced by supports, who argue they constantly have enemy DPS on their backs. Teamwork makes the dream work, and without protection, Strategists are easy prey for mobile hunters on the enemy team. At the same time, some supports don’t ping for help if they are focused, so they can’t expect their teammates to know about the backline issues without any form of communication.
Healing is a tough but pivotal part of Marvel Rivals, and it’s certainly not the most popular one. So please try looking out for your healers and be more understanding next time.
Published: Jan 20, 2025 11:31 am