What happens when a League of Legends Worlds semifinalist (and LCS champion) faces off against a Draven one-trick notorious for his bad manners in solo queue? Well, the end result might shock you.
Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp absolutely destroyed Team Liquid mid laner Nicolaj Jensen in a one-vs-one duel—not once, but twice. He put Jensen’s Zed to shame. It was humiliating. Tyler1 dodged, swerved, and then flashed in for the kill.
Jensen was defeated. He stood completely still, flabbergasted. He had just lost to Tyler1. But it didn’t end there—Jensen wanted more. He wanted a rematch. Surely the second time he’d kill Tyler1, right? No, it was worse. Jensen collapsed under the pressure.
Tyler1 is supposed to be a lightweight up against the likes of Jensen, but the star Danish mid laner couldn’t handle him.
Jensen is scheduled to play and represent North America at the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational in Vietnam, which starts on May 1. Even though Jensen and Liquid just won the 2019 LCS Spring Split championship, his fans probably don’t want to see any one-vs-one fights go this way on the international stage next month.
Published: Apr 19, 2019 11:44 am