League of Legends‘ new deathmatch-style Arena game mode hasn’t even hit live servers, but it is already creating some incredible moments for summoners to love and loathe. One champion combo, for example, is already making the rounds as one of the strongest duos in the game due to one of the mode’s special Augments.
In a popular video on League‘s subreddit, two teammates locked Ivern and Annie as their champions of choice heading into battle against three other teams. Though they weren’t completely overpowered during the first few rounds of the game, the trajectory of the match changed when they acquired the Prismatic Augment called Ultimate Revolution.
Ultimate Revolution is an Augment that allows players to cast their ultimate ability again after casting it, allowing Annie and Ivern to summon two of their trusty companions each. First, Ivern instantly summons Daisy twice, which gives them plenty of front line and crowd control to allow Annie to move forward and use Tibbers twice on top of her opponents.
With Daisy knocking up her opponents, Tibbers burning enemies as a formidable tank, and both Ivern and Annie keeping the other team locked down with their own forms of CC, the enemy squad had no chance to respond as they were quickly dispatched by the deadly duo.
Related: LoL’s new Arena mode: New maps, augments, champ cameos, and more
It was quickly realized that if you didn’t have the tools to kite away from the team’s individual pets, you would be swiftly subdued by their overwhelming numbers. If you notice that an enemy team is building this combination, there are relatively straightforward ways to counter their effects, though.
For example, you can utilize various spell shield abilities, items, or Augments to prevent any CC from holding you down while you move backward and isolate each pet so you can kill them one by one. You will also need some good mobility to avoid getting stunned or rooted by Ivern or Annie, but the main focus is to kite away and deal with the pets first. As a result, champions like Lucian, Vayne, Zeri, and Ezreal could be a good choice for any AD carry mains.
Published: Jul 4, 2023 11:28 am