Climbing the ranks of League of Legends is already a daunting and challenging experience, but certain players think their climb is tougher than yours.
As if contending with complicated lane mechanics and epic monster spawns wasn’t enough, many league players have arbitrary rankings about which roles are the easiest and hardest to climb on. As it turns out, many players on Reddit believe Junglers and ADC mains have the toughest time ranking up in League.

Even though every role has both challenges and advantages, Jungle mains in the Reddit thread have some strong arguments in defense of the role’s difficulty. Specifically, many players believe Junglers wield the most agency in the entire game, since they influence which objectives your team claim throughout the match.
One Jungler shared their rank climb experience. “Jungle has been the most stressful role that I’ve climbed on, but also the highest climb,” they wrote. Since everything hinges on the Jungler securing objectives and collecting more resources than their opponent, the role can be incredibly stressful and has little room for careless mistakes. While some players think fighting against the environment can’t be too much of a struggle, the majority agree that playing as a Jungler is a truly terrifying experience.
Jungle mains certainly have a lot to say about their roles, but some vocal ADC players argue that their position is the most challenging of all. Bot laners argue that since Junglers influence the entire game by ganking lanes and securing objectives, ADCs are simply forced along for the ride.
One user shared their experience climbing on ADC, stating how “it was mostly decided by laner/jungle cooperation.” Since ADC champions are typically late-game scalers and have Supports in their lanes, they have little influence over the early game. This means other players easily throw the start of the game, completing stopping an ADC from reaching their full potential.

Another user agreed with this sentiment, stating that you’ll, “lose a lot of winnable games because the team just presses ff before you hit 3 items.” Failing to reach your power spike is a common experience among ADC mains, but certain Top Laners also share this sentiment.
Most Top Laners are hyper focused on freezing waves and perfecting their lane management, but thankfully some of them took time out of their busy schedules to claim their role is the most difficult. One Top Laner shared their personal experience with the role, stating “these demons will counterpick you instantly if they get a chance.”
Top Lane is typically filled with players who value technical skill and lane management above all else. This means these players are very dedicated to the game and will try as hard as they possibly can no matter the rank. This can create a pretty toxic environment in the lane, as two juggernauts fight over scraps of gold to secure an advantage.
While there’s no concrete way of determining which role is the hardest to climb on, it appears like most players in the thread agree that playing as either a Support or Mid Laner is the easiest way to climb. Do you have a favorite role to climb on, and which do you think is the most difficult? Let us know in the comments below!
Published: Jan 28, 2025 06:20 pm