Riot Games’ Meddler has been quoted recently, saying that they are looking into slight Shen buffs/changes from patch 6.23/6.24, which would likely be welcomed by the community. In the post here, Meddler goes on to say that;
“Our current plan is to look at Shen buffs in 6.23 or 6.24 (which depends on how much pre-season response work’s needed). We’ll also be looking at other champions like Azir and Kalista around the same time for possible small changes. They both need bigger work, but we’d like to see what we can do in the meantime until then, given that larger scoped work wouldn’t be for a fair while.”
While other champions are discussed, these three are the forefront mentions of what the team are looking into after patch 6.22, which comes into effect in the next few days.
Would you welcome Shen, Azir and Kalista changes? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @GAMURScom.
Adam Newell is a writer for GAMURS and can be contacted in ways displayed below:
Twitter: @MonkeyKingHero
Published: Nov 4, 2016 08:11 am