If you’re a Shaco main, the latest League PBE patch may not be your favorite thing in the world.
Riot rolled out a few changes on the PBE earlier today, which included a nerf to Shaco. The marionette AD was lowered from 66 to 63 and his AD per level was also lowered from 3.5 to 3.
Additionally, the minion for Shaco’s W (Jack in the Box) was decreased from three seconds to two, meaning minions and monsters will not flee as long as it used to.
Related: How to get a PBE account for League of Legends
Garen is slightly different on the PBE, too. The champion’s passive cooldown has been increased a second, from six to seven. His E (Judgement) was also changed.
Finally, the max speed for Viktor’s ultimate (Chaos Storm) was increased from 300 to 325.
H/T Surrender at 20
Published: Sep 30, 2019 05:50 pm