If you want to skip to the KDA comparison chart of the Korean players versus the NA/EU counterpart, scroll all the way to the bottom!
Welcome to the weekly K.I.S.S report Week 4 of the NA and EU LCS. K.I.S.S stands for Korean Import Statistic Sheet. I will compile the performance of every Korean import currently playing in the North America and European league championship series to provide a compilation of the Korean import’s performance. This week I took the suggestion from Reddit and added new statistics to the fold for your enjoyment. Now every week, I will compare each Korean Import players and their North American or European counterpart average KDA to see how they fared against them. This will help show if their performance in their respective region is indeed worth importing them for.
The KDA system I am using is lolesports.com’s system where you add the Kills, Deaths, and Assists for the respective week and then calculating them to retrieve the percentage. Since I used my own KDA calculation system for the previous this week, I will re-post the previous KDA for each player in the Riot system and will do in the future to show the player’s performance in its entirety.
Feel free to comment and point out any mistakes made or players I have missed. Enjoy the stats!
Format: Player Name | Versus Team | Champion | Stat | Win / Lose | KDA
CoreJJ (Marksman):
Week 1:
Versus Coast | Corki | 3/3/3 | Win | 2.0 KDA
Versus TiP | Sivir | 0/2/2 | Lose | 1.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 1: 3/5/5 = 1.6 KDA
Week 2:
Versus Gravity | Ezreal | 2/1/1 | lose | 3.0 KDA
Versus Winterfox | Kogmaw | 1/5/1 | lose | 0.4 KDA
Total KDA for Week 2: 3/6/2 = 0.83 KDA
Week 3:
Versus Team SoloMid | Corki | 3/2/1 | Lose | 2.0 KDA
Versus Team Liquid | Sivir | 9/0/7 | Win | 7.5 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3: 12/2/8 = 10.0 KDA
Week 4:
Versus Cloud 9 | Sivir | 0/0/1 | Lose | 1.0 KDA
Versus Team 8 | Corki | 8/2/11 | Win | 9.5 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 8/2/12 = 10.0 KDA
Week 5:
Versus CLG | Lucian | 3/3/2 | Lose | 1.67 KDA
Versus Winterfox | Sivir | 6/2/15 | Win | 10.5 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 9/5/17 = 5.2 KDA
Week 6:
Versus Team Solomid | Graves | 3/3/0 | Lose | 1.0 KDA
Versus Team 8 | Ezreal | 1/3/1 | Lose | 0.67 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 4/6/1 = 0.83 KDA
Gamsu (Top lane)
Week 1
Versus Coast | Irelia | 1/1/6 | Win | 7.0 KDA
Versus TiP | Kassadin | 0/0/1 | Lose | 1.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 1: 1/1/7 = 8.0 KDA
Week 2:
Versus Gravity | Lulu | 0/0/3 | Lose | 3.0 KDA
Versus Winterfox | Gnar | 1/3/1 | Lose | 0.67 KDA
Total KDA for Week 2: 1/3/4 = 1.67 KDA
Week 3:
Versus Team SoloMid | Reksai | 2/2/0 | Lose | 1.0 KDA
Versus Team Liquid | Rumble | 5/2/9 | Win | 7.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3: 7/4/9 = 4.0 KDA
Week 4:
Versus Cloud 9 | Gnar | 0/1/0 | Lose | 0.0 KDA
Versus Team 8 | Renekton | 4/1/18 | Win | 22.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 4/2/18 = 11.0 KDA
Week 5:
Versus CLG | Rumble | 0/1/4 | Lose | 4.0 KDA
Versus Winterfox | Renekton | 4/3/14 | Win | 6.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 4/4/18 = 5.5 KDA
Week 6:
Versus Team Solomid | Renekton | 0/4/2 | Lose | 0.5 KDA
Versus Team 8 | Maokai | 1/5/10 | Lose | 2.2 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 1/9/12 = 1.44 KDA
Avalon (Top Lane)
Week 2:
Versus Team SoloMid | Lulu | 0/4/3 | Lose | 0.25 KDA
Versus Dignitas | Maokai | 3/0/11 | Win | 14.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 2: 3/4/14 = 4.25 KDA
Week 3:
Versus CLG | Gnar | 2/5/6 | Lose | 1.6 KDA
Versus Team 8 | Gnar | 0/4/2 | Lose | 0.5 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3: 2/9/8 = 1.11 KDA
Week 4:
Versus Team Impulse | Lissandra | 2/4/16 | Win | 4.5 KDA
Versus Cloud 9 | Lissandra | 2/3/9 | Win | 3.7 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 4/7/16 = 2.86 KDA
Week 5:
Versus Team Liquid | Maokai | 0/2/7 | Win | 3.5 KDA
Versus Dignitas | Sion | 1/5/6 | Lose | 1.4 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 1/7/13 = 2.0 KDA
Week 6:
Versus CLG | Hecraim | 1/5/2 | Lose | 0.6 KDA
Versus Cloud 9 | Gnar | 0/5/0 | Lose | 1.4 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 1/10/2 = 0.3 KDA
Imagine (Support)
Week 5:
Versus Team Liquid | Annie | 2/2/6 | Win | 4/0 KDA
Versus Dignitas | Janna | 0/7/10 | Lose | 1.43 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 2/9/16 = 2.0 KDA
Week 6:
Versus CLG | Janna | 0/2/3 | Lose | 1.5 KDA
Versus Cloud 9 | Thresh | 0/3/2 | Lose | 0.67 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 0/5/5 = 1.0 KDA
Rush (Jungle)
Week 1:
Versus Team Liquid | J4 | 1/6/8 | Lose | 1.5 KDA
Versus Dignitas | J4 | 1/1/7 | Win | 8.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 1: 2/7/15 = 2.43 KDA
Week 2:
Versus CLG | Lee Sin | 0/2/3 | Lose | 0.5 KDA
Versus Team 8 | Lee Sin | 2/7/11 | Win | 1.86 KDA
Total KDA for Week 2: 2/9/14 = 1.78 KDA
Week 3:
Versus Team Gravity | Lee Sin | 2/3/19 | Win | 7.0 KDA
Versus Team Solomid | Lee Sin | 0/4/2 | Lose | 0.5 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3: 2/7/21 = 3.3 KDA
Week 4:
Versus Team Winterfox | Rek’sai | 4/6/7 | Lose | 1.83
Versus Team Coast | Vi | 6/1/11 | Win | 17.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 10/7/18 = 4.0 KDA
Week 5:
Versus Cloud 9 | Lee Sin | 0/3/1 | Lose | 0.33 KDA
Versus Gravity | Rek’sai | 1/3/11 | Win | 4.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 1/6/12 = 2.2 KDA
Week 6:
Versus Team 8 | Jarvan 4 | 2/7/6 | Lose | 1.14 KDA
Versus TSM | Lee Sin | 3/4/17 | Win | 5.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 5/11/23 = 2.5 KDA
Impact (Top Lane)
Week 2:
Versus CLG | Lulu | 0/3/1 | lose | 0.33 KDA
Versus Team 8 | Gnar | 3/1/12 | Win | 15.0 KDA
Total KDA in week 2: 3/4/13 = 4.0 KDA
Week 3:
Versus Team Gravity | Rumble | 2/4/13 | Win | 3.75 KDA
Versus Team Solomid | Maokai | 0/5/4 | Lose | 0.8 KDA
Total KDA upto Week 3: 2/9/17 = 2.11 KDA
Week 4:
Versus Team Winterfox | Mao’Kai | 4/6/7 | Lose | 1.83 KDA
Versus Team Coast | Rumble | 6/2/10 | Win | 8.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 10/8/17 = 3.4 KDA
Week 5:
Versus Team Cloud 9 | Dr.Mundo | 1/4/0 | Lose | 0.25 KDA
Versus Team Gravity | Morganna | 2/1/12 | Win | 14 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 3/5/12 = 3.0 KDA
Week 6:
Versus Team 8 | Maokai | 1/5/7 | Lose | 1.6 KDA
Versus TSM | Impact | 2/1/16 | Win | 18.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 3/6/23 = 4.33 KDA
Fenix (Mid Lane)
Week 1:
Versus TiP | Lulu | 5/5/12 | Win | 1.42 KDA
Versus CLG | Azir | 7/5/12 | Win | 3.8 KDA
Total KDA for week 1: 12/10/24 = 3.6 KDA
Week 2:
Versus Cloud 9 | Ahri | 2/3/1 | Lose | 1.0 KDA
Versus TSM | Ahri | 1/4/0 | Lose | 0.25 KDA
Total KDA for week 2: 3/7/1 = 0.57 KDA
Week 3:
Versus Team Coast | Xerath | 2/0/3 | Win | 5.0 KDA
Versus Team Dignitas | Ezreal | 2/3/2 | Lose | 1.33 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3: 4/3/5 = 3.0 KDA
Week 4:
Versus Team 8 | Ahri | 4/1/6 | Win | 10.0 KDA
Versus Gravity | Azir | 6/7/4 | Lose | 1.43 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 10/8/10 = 2.5 KDA
Week 5:
Versus Team Winterfox | Xerath | 1/3/1 | Lose | 0.67 KDA
Versus Team Solomid | Lissandra | 2/5/10 | Win | 2.4 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 3/8/11 = 1.75 KDA
Week 6:
Versus Team Gravity | Lissandra | 1/0/5 | Win | 0.67 KDA
Versus CLG | Zed | 6/4/10 | Win | 4.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 5: 7/4/15 = 5.5 KDA
Piglet (Marksman)
Week 2:
Versus Cloud 9 | Sivir | 0/3/2 | Lose | 0.7 KDA
Versus Team SoloMid | Caitlyn | 0/1/1 | Lose | 1.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 2 KDA: 0/4/3 = 0.75 KDA
Week 3:
Versus Team Coast | Vayne | 3/1/4 | Win | 7.0 KDA
Versus Dignitas | Vayne | 1/2/6 | Lose | 3.5 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3 KDA: 4/3/10 = 4.67 KDA
Week 4:
Versus Team 8 | Graves | 6/1/7 | Win | 13.0 KDA
Versus Gravity | Tristana | 4/5/4 | Lose | 1.6 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 10/6/11 = 3.5 KDA
Week 5 & 6
Huni (Top Lane)
Week 1:
Versus Elements | Lissandra | 2/5/16 | Win | 3.6 KDA
Versus H2K | Rumble | 7/1/11 | Win | 18 KDA
Total KDA for Week 1: 9/6/27 = 5.83 KDA
Week 2:
Versus Roccat | Lissandra | Win | 2/6/11 | 2.2 KDA
Versus Gambit | Rumble | Win | 4/5/13 | 3.4 KDA
Total KDA for Week 2: 6/11/24 = 2.73 KDA
Week 3:
Versus Unicorns of Love | Gnar | 4/6/12 | Lose | 2.67 KDA
Versus Giants Gaming | Lissandra | 2/3/16 | Win | 6.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3: 6/9/28 = 3.78 KDA
Week 4:
Versus MYM | Rumble | 5/3/8 | Win | 4.33 KDA
Versus C.Wolves | Rumble | 7/8/8 | Lose | 1.88 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 12/11/16 = 2.55 KDA
Week 5:
Versus SK Gaming | Rumble | 8/3/16 | Win | 4.33 KDA
Versus Gambit Gaming | Maokai | 1/9/6 | Lose | 1.88 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 9/12/22 = 1.75 KDA
Week 6:
Versus Giants Gaming | Gnar | 2/0/10 | Win | 12.0 KDA
Versus C.Wolves | Rumble | 4/2/3 | Win | 3.5 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 6/2/13 = 9.5 KDA
Reignover (Jungle)
Week 1:
Versus Elements | Rengar | 7/3/11 | Win | 6.0 KDA
Versus H2K | Olaf | 4/2/10 | Win | 7.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 1: 11/5/21 = 6.6 KDA
Week 2:
Versus Roccat | Regnar | 5/5/8 | Win | 2.6 KDA
Versus Gambit | Olaf | 6/7/13 | Win | 2.7 KDA
Total KDA for Week 2: 11/12/21 = 2.67 KDA
Week 3:
Versus Unicorns of Love | Reksai | 4/5/8 | Lose | 2.4 KDA
Versus Giants Gaming | Rengar | 10/3/11 | Win | 7.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3: 14/8/19 = 4.13 KDA
Week 4:
Versus MYM | Rengar | 4/4/5 | Win | 2.5 KDA
Versus C.Wolves | Rumble | 3/9/8 | Lose | 1.22 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 7/13/13 = 1.54 KDA
Week 5:
Versus SK Gaming | Rek’sai | 2/4/15 | Win | 4.25 KDA
Versus Gambit Gaming | Olaf | 1/6/3 | Lose | 0.67 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 3/10/18 = 2.1 KDA
Week 6:
Versus Giants Gaming | Nunu | 2/3/9 | Win | 4.25 KDA
Versus C.Wolves | Rek’sai | 1/4/6 | Win | 1.88 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 12/11/16 = 2.55 KDA
Ryu (Mid Lane)
Week 1:
Versus C.Wolves | Kassadin | 5/4/4 | Lose | 2.25 KDA
Versus Fnatic | Lulu | 0/4/4 | Lose | 1.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 1: 5/8/8 = 1.63 KDA
Week 2:
Versus MYM | Lulu | 5/0/8 | Win | 13.0 KDA
Versus Giants! | LeBlanc | 4/0/5 | Win | 9.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 2: 9/0/13 = 22.0 KDA
Week 3:
Versus SK Gaming | Zed | 3/5/1 | Lose | 0.8 KDA
Versus Gambit | Ahri | 4/4/6 | Lose | 2.5 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3: 7/9/7 = 1.6 KDA
Week 4:
Versus Elements | Ahri | 2/3/4 | Win | 2.0 KDA
Versus Roccat | Orianna | 4/1/6 | Win | 10.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 6/4/10 = 4.0 KDA
Week 5:
Versus UOL | Orianna | 5/1/12 | Win | 17.0 KDA
Versus SK Gaming | Ahri | 3/2/9 | Win | 6.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 8/3/21 = 9.7 KDA
Week 6:
Versus Roccat | Ahri | 3/1/5 | Win | 8.0 KDA
Versus Giants | Kassadin | 13/4/5 | Win | 4.5 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 16/5/10 = 5.2 KDA
Horo (Jungle)
Week 1:
Versus SK Gaming | Lee Sin | 3/2/4 | Lose | 3.5 KDA
Versus Giants | Olaf | 2/2/2 | Lose | 2.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 1: 5/4/6 = 2.8 KDA
Week 2:
Versus H2K | Rengar | 2/2/4 | Lose | 3.0 KDA
Versus C.Wolves | Jarvan 4 | 3/1/12 | Win | 15.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 2: 5/3/16 = 7.0 KDA
Week 3:
Versus Elements | Jarvan 4 | 2/3/1 | Lose | 1.0 KDA
Versus Roccat | Jarvan 4 | 3/2/3 | Lose | 3.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 3: 5/5/4 = 1.8 KDA
Week 4:
Versus Fnatic | Jarvan 4 | 1/4/7 | Lose | 2.0 KDA
Versus UoL | Lee Sin | 3/2/5 | Lose | 4.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 4/6/12 = 2.7 KDA
Week 5:
Versus Gambit Gaming | Rek’sai | 4/4/1 | Lose | 1.25 KDA
Versus C.Wolves | Rek’sai | 2/4/10 | Lose | 3.0 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 6/8/11 = 2.13 KDA
Week 6:
Versus Elements | Jarvan 4 | 1/4/2 | Lose | 0.75 KDA
Versus UOL | Jarvan 4 | 4/3/16 | Win | 6.7 KDA
Total KDA for Week 4: 5/7/18 = 3.3 KDA
Sorry for compiling Week 5 and 6 data together in one posting, I caught the flu going around and was dead in week 5. After doing this for 6 weeks, I realized that pure numbers are great for specific sections but I found it hard to draw any solid conclusions from the way I’m presenting the data. Next split, I’ll incorporate a new visual format (specifically more Excel tables :D) So it’s easier for you, the readers, to visualize the data without scrolling everywhere.
That aside, Winterfox Imagine finally got to play in the NA LCS after so much visa delay. All I can say about Imagine is that he is playing in one of the most stacked position in the North American LCS. I daresay it might be the most stacked lane position in the west. Lemonnation, Xpecial, Lustboy, Aphromoo, Bunny fufu and Sheep; there is a lot of talent in terms of support players in NA LCS. It will be very difficult for Imagine to stand out unless he becomes the second coming of Mata or something.
Piglet was benched for two weeks. Will he be benched for three weeks straight? I hope he isn’t because Team Liquid is facing against Team Impact this week. Why is this important? Well if you recall, someone mistranslated TiP Apollo’s interview when he didn’t include Piglet in the top 3 ADC’s in NA LCS. Apollo did not mention Piglet because he has yet to play in the NA LCS at this time due to visa delays. Piglet saw this and got a little ticked off and I quote; “i really want to play against him so that i can kill him”. I can’t wait!
If I were to pick a MVP for week 5 and 6 it has to be Ryu. While H2K does not have the most consistent W/L week to week, but this week, Ryu performed very well ending up with an above average KDA of the European and North American mid-laners. Here’s hoping he will put on another week of impressive performance and keep H2K above the relegation line to keep playing in the European LCS.
Not to say much for this week. Looking forward to IEM Katowice and all the fun stuff that will happen during the tournament. Watch out for a few articles including a piece on IEM Katowice for League of Legends in the following week.
Thanks for reading.
-Andy “LastBlues” Shin
Published: Mar 4, 2015 07:33 am