One of the leading Western League of Legends coaches, Nick “LS” De Cesare, has parted ways with Meet Your Makers. Under Riot Games’ new rules for the LCS, coaches must be able to attend every week of the League Championship Series and be present for the pick and ban phase—an impossible requirement for De Cesare, who is based in South Korea.
The developments leave De Cesare unattached to any teams ahead of the start of the next LCS season. Having turned down work with Korean teams, the coach told the Daily Dot that he wants to work with Western teams to help them improve and challenge the more dominant regions. As such, he’s planning to leave South Korea as soon as he is able—and as soon as he finds a suitable team. Until then, he will still be looking to offer his services online.
Despite the sudden parting, De Cesare said there weren’t any hard feelings, and wanted to make it clear he still enjoys a good personal relationship with his former employers.
“I want to state for the record that the former [Supa Hot Crew] manager (and temp MYM manager) was always willing to talk with me and try to help me find out what was going on, as well as being super helpful throughout the majority of the entire thing,” De Cesare told the Daily Dot. “He’s a good person and only meant well.
“I still really care about Rallez, Mimer, and Selfie on a personal level still, I had been with them for nine months. I hope the team does well, and it’s unfortunate that circumstances played out how they did. I truly believe the talent in the team on a potential scale, is one that could easily be top three EU, and I hope Horo and Nicolai do as well as I believe they can.”
Image via MeetYourMakers
Published: Jan 5, 2015 02:21 pm