LGD MaRin on leaving SKT, his NA offers and why LGD
I’m here today with LGD MaRin, it’s MaRin’s first English interview since he roster-changed and left SKT and now he’s on LGD. A lot of people have a lot of questions about the roster change, so firstly let’s just talk a bit about that.
Reira: So MaRin, I know that when you left SKT, at that point in time you weren’t actually signed to any team. Could you talk a bit about how you know that you were so sure you wanted to leave SKT?
MaRin: First of all, I really tried my best in 2015, and so it was a really tough year for me. Just because of that tiredness, I wanted to leave. And also, I was really confident in my skills, so I knew that I could be able to find a new team, and I also wanted to prove myself as MaRin independently.
Reira: Could you talk a little more about that? I know that Easyhoon for example, he had an interview with VG, where he said that he wanted to prove himself away from being on SKT, because he didn’t want to be on the same team as Faker anymore. Also I know he turned down some higher salary offers because he wanted to prove himself, do you feel the same way?
MaRin: Because SKT is a really strong team, a lot of people think that I’m good just because I’m with the best players. So I wanted to prove that I’m actually a good player even without the best teammates. And also, some people think that I left because of Faker, but that’s not true. It’s just a new challenge for me as a player to leave SKT, the best team in the World, to go on a new adventure.
Reira: Let’s talk a bit more about those challenges that you mentioned. So I know that you were considering China, as well as NA when you left SKT. Could you talk a little more about why you eventually chose China?
MaRin: I had offers from Chinese teams, North America teams, and also Korean teams, so I had to take a lot of time to decide upon those choices. But I eventually chose LGD because they’ve already been to Worlds this year and I feel like they have a really good chance to be at Worlds again next year also, so that’s the basis behind my decision.
Reira: Let’s talk a bit more about how you’ve decided to prepare for coming to China. What kind of challenges do you think you’ll face, what have you started to do before moving to China?
MaRin: I’ve actually been to China once on a field trip in high school, and I thought it was a really nice place. And because I’ll be staying with Chinese teammates, I’ve started to prepare learning Chinese. I’ve actually bought a book on Chinese.
Reira: That’s exciting. I kind of also want to ask you, because the LGD house has a lot of cats. Do you like cats?
MaRin: (in English) I like cats~
Reira: Also, you’re going to be on the same team as imp, and we know that SKT and Samsung they had a sort of rivalry going on, are you excited to play on the same team as imp? How do you think that’s going to go?
MaRin: I’ve never considered imp to be my rival, because I only think of top players as being my rivals. Yeah, I think we’ll get along pretty fine.
Reira: I think he means top laners and not the best players, haha. But anyway, thank you MaRin for doing this interview. Lastly, do you have anything that you want to say to foreign fans in English?
MaRin: Thank you, love me~
Interview Link here: LGD MaRin on leaving SKT, his NA offers and why LGD
Published: Dec 12, 2015 02:07 pm