Time flies; we all know it. Twelve years ago, the first League of Legends icons were being made, including xPeke. It has now been 12 years since the Spaniard made the legendary play we all know him for.
If you ever played League, you’re familiar with the term xPeke. It means securing a backdoor Nexus play single-handedly and against all odds, and it came from the former Spanish mid laner who stunned SK Gaming with that play at IEM Katowice 2013. His team, Fnatic, were fighting for their lives against SK, and it was xPeke who granted them a playoff berth, cementing himself in history forever.
The play was simple, but legendary. SK miraculously repelled Fnatic’s aggression on their Nexus and were heading towards their enemy’s base, with Fnatic’s members low on health and scattered across the map. With everything on the line, xPeke took a risk and teleported back into the SK base where the Nexus was open, Fnatic’s last push having taken down its turrets. It was a perfect job for his champion, Kassadin, who could teleport every few seconds thanks to his ultimate.
SK’s top side, Kev1n and hyrqBot, quickly rushed back to save the base. In fact, the former was constantly trying to kill xPeke as Olaf. But despite Kev1n and hyrqBot’s efforts, the Spaniard’s superb mechanics dancing around the Nexus granted Fnatic victory and a place in the playoffs.
“That was the best, best, best play in the history of League of Legends,” Joe Miller said right after the game was finished. And it’s still, arguably, the most iconic moment in the game’s history 12 years later. And it’s not just one of the most memorable and popular moments in League, but in the whole esports history. At the time of writing, the play has nearly 13 million views on YouTube—and that’s only on the official ESL channel, not counting the many accounts that have reposted the clip.

Fnatic ended up losing to Azubu Blaze, who at the time was home to another bunch of League legends like Flame, Ambition, and Cpt Jack. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that it was xPeke who made crowd the loudest in the Spodek arena that year.
So, 12 years later, what is xPeke doing now? It’s not exactly clear. After winning a few trophies with Fnatic, xPeke founded and played on Origen, which then transitioned to Astralis, where he remains to this day as a shareholder. At least that’s what Leaguepedia says, because he stopped being active on his social media accounts in 2020 and 2021, and we can’t find a trace of him on the organization’s website.
Published: Jan 21, 2025 11:32 am