After four weekends of LCS postseason competition, the Shadow of War and the Daughter of the Void have reigned supreme over Summoner’s Rift as the most successful League of Legends champions in the 2021 Mid-Season Showdown with a 73 percent win rate.
Both Hecarim and Kai’Sa dominated drafting phases across the league with the former being the third-most banned champion in the MSS and the latter being the most picked ADC, according to Oracle’s Elixir.
Hecarim was played 15 times during the tournament and had a ban rate of 48.4 percent. He was one of the four most contested picks in the MSS besides Udyr, Renekton, and Gnar, who all had a 96.8-percent pick/ban presence.
The champion was one of the most impactful picks in the jungle since players could affect their side lanes early, while also being able to make some picks for their team later in the game due to Hecarim’s speed. His ultimate was a game-changer if landed properly and he was a great pick for most team compositions.
Kai’Sa, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as contested, sitting at a 67.7-percent pick/ban presence. But in the 11 games she played, she was a power pick that helped secure victories across the board. She had the second-highest KDA and the third-highest damage numbers of any champion played in the MSS.
Again, she remains a great choice for almost any composition since she brings a ton of damage, burst, and mobility with her ultimate. Overall, her reliability in most situations made her a must-play champion for multiple players throughout the season—she was the most played champion during the 2021 LCS Spring Split, too.
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Published: Apr 12, 2021 11:48 am