The action at the grand finalsin the European League Championship Series (EU LCS) for the Leagueof Legends 2016 Summer Split just concluded. First-seeded G2(10-8-0) played against second-seeded Splyce (9-6-3).
Here is a quick recap of whathappened in the last series of the EU LCS Summer Split.
Game One
To kick off the series, G2decided to surprise everyone when Luka“Perkz” Perković picked AP Ekko Mid. Holding himself wellin lane, he prevented the enemy mid laner from snowballing ahead,allowing his side lanes to push for an early gameadvantage.
G2 top laner Dae-Han“Expect” Ki and AD carry Jesper“Zven” Svenningsen used their early advantageto out-scale their opponents and take game one for G2.
.@G2esports had control over thegame and finished the first game with a Quadra kill for Zven!
— LoL EsportsWikis (@LoL_ESWikis) August28, 2016
Game Two
This game began withSplyce’s jungler Jonas“Trashy” Anderson being a pest, invading G2’sjungle. Despite G2 consistently trying to bring the game back intotheir favor, Splyce pushed their engage comp straight into G2,systematically shutting them down.
Trashy pushed his annoyingattitude into late game, cutting off carries from fights andstealing G2’s baron to seal the game away.
.@SplycePro show that they candominate games as well as they win the 2nd game of this series!
Series: 1-1#EULCS
— LoL EsportsWikis (@LoL_ESWikis) August28, 2016
Game Three
G2 showed that they came to playin game three. Perkz on Vladimir mixed with Zven on Sivir allowedthe team to destroy Splyce’s back line before most fightseven began. Alfonso “Mithy” Aguirre Rodriguez with the TahmKench pick prevented Splyce from getting kills the entiregame.
Splyce couldn’t gain theirfooting this game. They tried to be aggressive and risky to getback into the game but G2 shut down every option Splyce had. G2makes the series 2-1.
It’s @G2esports who takes the lead.They’re now 1 game away from winning the series!
Series: G2 2 – 1 SPY#EULCS
— LoL EsportsWikis (@LoL_ESWikis) August28, 2016
Game Four
Game four ended with G2dismantling Splyce in every lane and moment. Any opportunity thatSplyce had was immediately shut down and countered, making themfall further and further behind as the game progressed.
Perkz showed up as Vladimirending the game 13/2/6 and destroying the back line of Splyce teamfight after team fight.
.@G2esports WINS THE #EULCS SUMMERFINALS as Perkz gets an unofficial PENTAKILL!
— LoL EsportsWikis (@LoL_ESWikis) August28, 2016
G2 wins the series 3-1, securingfirst place of the split and a spot to compete on the Worlds Stagefor EU. Also, thanks to G2’s victory, H2k-Gaming earned the secondEU spot for Worlds 2016 due to their amount of championship seriespoints.
Who do you think will be thethird team to represent Europe at Worlds? Let me know in thecomments section below or tweet us @GAMURScom.
Published: Aug 28, 2016 02:09 pm