Hey guys! I was gathering statistics from IEM San Jose and decided to share some of my findings with you all. Some are more relevant than others. If there are any other statistics you want to know just ask. Enjoy!
-In all but one game, the team who got first blood won.
-In only one third of games did the team who got the first dragon win the game.
-Lissandra was 5/0, Soraka went 1/6, and Warwick only won 1/4.
-Cloud 9 never won with Gnar, and never lost with Corki.
-6 champions who were played in the jungle were only played once. They were Twisted Fate, Elise, Evelynn, Nunu, Wukong, and Pantheon. Only two of them won a game, those being Twisted Fate and Wukong both played by Kikis of UOL.
-Jayce was banned in 6 games, but not picked in the other 6. All 6 games he wasn’t picked or banned were Cloud 9 games. Zed was banned in 10 games, but not picked in the other 2.
-Only 3 games were won when a team was behind in CS at the end of the game. All three games were Cloud 9. Games 2 and 3 vs ALL, and vs UOL game 3.
-The largest CS gap was Cloud 9 vs Pain Gaming, where Cloud 9 ended the game ahead 313 CS.
-In game 3 against UOL, LemonNation sold his items and finished the game with a Mejai’s and Deathcap, giving him the second most AP on his team, and the only Deathcap in the game.
-No Xerath ever had a positive Kill/Death ratio. The closest was a neutral score when Pain Gaming’s mid laner Kami went 6/6.
-The earliest first blood was 3:01 for Kikis on jungle Twisted Fate. The latest was for Balls on Lissandra at 24:23.
-The only team to reach 5 dragon buffs was Cloud 9 against Alliance.
-Alistar was the only support to be played just once. He lost. Morgana was played twice as a support, and never won.
-Rumble was banned against Balls in 7/8 games he played. He played Rumble the other game.
-Meteos never lost on Lee Sin, but it was never banned against him. In Cloud 9’s one loss he was playing Jarvan.
-Half the teams got eliminated after playing only two games.
-Corki was first picked the most, at 3 times.
-Only 5 ADCs were played. Corki, Lucian, Graves, Sivir, and Ezreal. Sivir and Ezreal were only played once, and Graves was only played twice. The other 20 ADC picks were Corki and Lucian.
-Bjergson was the only person to build two of the same completed item, he built double Morellonomicons on Azir.
-Pain Gaming’s support Olleh was the only support to build a Tear. He built it on Janna.
-Every jungler built Rangers Trailblazer, except for Warwick. Warwick built Skirmishers Sabre in all 4 games he was played.
Published: Dec 12, 2014 04:23 am