League of Legends star Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok has inspired many fans who want to emulate the pro’s playmaking abilities. One streamer may have finally done that.
Streamer Albert “Boxbox” Zheng channeled his inner-Faker during his Twitch broadcast yesterday, hitting a blind skill shot on an enemy in the fog of war.
“Did I ever tell you guys about my Faker-sense?” Boxbox said. “My Faker-sense tells me where to aim my Q to instantly hit someone. Check this out.”
The streamer then threw his Sonic Wave into the fog of war and blindly hit the enemy Kassadin. Boxbox masked any potential surprise at the feat, quickly dealing with his opponent with a nice kick and Q combo.
Although he let Twitch chat “pog” in surprise for a few seconds, Boxbox eventually admitted that the skill shot “was actually complete blind luck.”
Boxbox was one of League’s first players, making a name for himself with insane Riven mechanics and multiple high-ranked accounts. Fans eager to catch Boxbox pull off more insane plays can tune in to his Twitch channel, where he streams every weekday.
Published: Oct 24, 2019 09:32 am