Summoners, be prepared. Waves of new content are headed to League of Legends for the new year, including some massive changes to Runeterra’s favorite purple worm that will make it more formidable than ever before.
In 2024, Baron Nashor will not only receive a visual update but will also be getting three new unique forms that it can transform into during a game: Territorial Baron, Hunting Baron, and All-Seeing Baron. Each form also comes with terrain changes when a form is chosen, providing new paths and obstacles for teams to play around.

Territorial Baron has the ability to pull champions toward him, forcing squishier champs to keep their distance unless they wish to be pulled into his clutches. He also creates a small wall in front of the pit entrance, making it a balancing act for whichever team is trying to defeat him since they can’t risk getting caught inside the pit by an enemy team.
Hunting Baron, on the other hand, is a deadly foe who blasts enemies with lightning strikes from above, forcing players to dodge whenever he loads up an attack. This Baron doesn’t create any new terrain, which should give players more leeway when kiting around enemy skills and Baron’s own abilities.
Lastly, the All-Seeing Baron opens a Void Rift within the pit that deals damage over time to any players who are within its area of effect. The front of the pit will also be closed, and instead, the sides of the pit will be opened up to create a tunnel through the area. It is the most unique form of Baron’s pit and should create new opportunities that have never been seen before in League.
This is only one of many changes that Riot Games is making to Summoner’s Rift for 2024, with new Void-corrupted buffs, Voidgrub monsters, and significant changes to the terrain and brush across the map. These changes are expected to hit the League PBE today, Nov. 20.
Published: Nov 20, 2023 11:00 am