Chester is one of the three rarest encounters in That’s not my Neighbor, with the Clown and Peaches completing this unique trio. With his bizarre trivia questions that put Trivial Pursuit to absolute shame, coming up with the correct answers to these can be mind-numbing.
But thankfully, the internet exists. While I confidently answered the first question with “42,” grateful to 2010s pop culture moment, my knowledge of scientific names for Australian animals was far more limited. If you’re like me, desperate to find Chester after failing question two, then here are all the answers to his improbable quiz in That’s not my Neighbor.
That’s not my Neighbor: All answers in Chester’s quiz
Question one: What’s the meaning of everything?

Question: “What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else?”
Answer: “42.”
Introduced in Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 42 is said to be the answer to everything. Originally broadcast on radio, Guide to the Galaxy was later adapted to novels, TV series, films, and video games. While this is a fictional tale set on Earth, with a concept stating that our planet is in fact a supercomputer, created to determine the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else. The supercomputer’s answer concluded to be a simple 42.
Its meaning has been reflected upon often; with links to binary code, Christianity, and Buddhism. But, no one knows what 42 really means or whether it’s nothing more than science fiction.
Question two: What Australian animal changes its appearance when removed from its natural habitat?

Question: “What is the scientific name of the Australian animal that drastically changes its appearance when removed from its natural habitat?”
Answer: “Psychrolutes marcidus.”
Better known as the blobfish, these fish are most typically found on Australian coasts. Deemed the ugliest fish on the planet, I grew up looking at images of this fish, claiming to be alien sightings on YouTube. With that infamous image of them circulating the internet, it is safe to say that this fish doesn’t have fans outside of water. The Psychrolutes marcidus is its scientific name as entering “blobfish” into the command box is incorrect. The blobfish’s soft skin depressurizes outside of water, causing its entire face to sink, and bringing out that “ugly” factor.
Question three: What sport includes lets you punch your opponent if they steal your piece?

Question: “What is the name of the only sport that allows you to punch your opponent in the face because they capture a piece?”
Answer: “Chess boxing.”
“Capturing a piece” ties directly to the rules of chess while, punching your opponent is only legally and ethically allowed in boxing. Therefore, a quick search for chess boxing reveals that this is a real hybrid sport and one that has quite the popularity.
Question four: Measured in 0.01mm paper, how many folds does it take to cover Shire to Mordor?

Question: “At least how many times do you have to fold a 0.01 mm thick sheet of paper to cover the distance between the Shire and Mordor?”
Answer: “38.”
This is a direct reference to Lord of the Ring‘s Shire and Mordor. As the tale spans across these two regions, where Frodo began his journey from the hobbit’s land to Mount Doom. With the supposed 1,779 miles to travel across from Shire to Mordor (thanks, Hiking Middle Earth), Chester determines that it would take 38 folds to cover the distance across these locations.
Question five: What does “the key is hide” mean?

Answer: “Uranus.”
Using “IJEF” as the key for this vigenère cipher, the code is revealed as “what isth esev enth plan etin thes olar syst em?” Putting the words together to form an actual sentence reads “What is the seventh planet in the solar system?” giving us Uranus as the answer. Unless you are a cipher mastermind (which I’m far from), this one is literally impossible to work out so credit to Frowers are Blooming for this one.
Question six: What did FSM say about global warming?

Question: “According to F.S.M global warming is a consequence of the fact that since the 19th century the number of [answer] decrease.”
Answer: “Pirates.”
The F.S.M (or Flying Spaghetti Monster) refers to the idea that global warming was initially discovered back in the 1800s. Joseph Fourier theorized that the Earth’s warmth was due to the atmosphere, while Eunice Newton Foote discovered that CO2 could drastically heat up the Earth. But how does link to the Flying Spaghetti Monster? This comedic post directly correlates the decline of pirates to global warming rise, as their cleaner technology (ships) has diminished over the years.
All That’s not my Neighbour Chester quiz answers, summarized
- What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else? – 42
- What is the scientific name of the Australian animal that drastically changes its appearance when removed from its natural habitat? – Psychrolutes marcidus
- What is the name of the only sport that allows you to punch your opponent in the face because they capture a piece? – Chess boxing
- At least how many times do you have to fold a 0.01 mm thick sheet of paper to cover the distance between the Shire and Mordor? – 38
- According to F.S.M global warming is a consequence of the fact that since the 19th century the number of [answer] decrease – Pirates
Published: Apr 19, 2024 08:40 pm