Site Updates
We’re always looking for ways to organize content, make sure the site is easy to navigate and ensure our subscribers and supports get value out of their membership. We’re currently focus on creating matchup analysis of specific matchups. Examples so far:
The idea is that as you play your deck, knowing the matchups is really important (not just the mulligans). By breaking the matchups into specific sections, this will also allow the writers/contributors to update them easier (compare to update an entire matchup guide against 9 classes in one go).
We also have fixed the problem of the site not letting you stay logged in on subsequent visits. You should have no problems staying logged in now and the site won’t ask for your password for quite a while (after logging in)!
To get the latest on what decks to play, check out the monthly Meta Deck section. Unlike other sites, we don’t rank each deck on it’s own tier. There are basically 3 main groups of decks:
- Decks to Beat (DtB) – You are guaranteed come across these decks as you play Ranked/Ladder. These are well refined decks so if you wish to get high up in the ladder, you must know how to play against them.
- Decks to Watch (DtW) – These aren’t as prominent as Decks to Beat, but no less very powerful and absolutely viable. Usually counters half the decks in the DtB category but gets crushed by the other half, making it heavily dependent on the meta.
- Others – These are usually fringe decks or decks that don’t see much play. Can still be used to hit Legend in the hands of a skillful player. If you get tired/bored with the usual decks in DtB or DtW, give these a try!
Latest Decklists
If you’re looking for the latest decklists of a specific meta deck, head over to a meta deck page (like Control Warrior) and there is a ‘Decklist’Â section under ‘Public’ section – that’s where you’ll see the latest decklists of that meta deck. We source it from all over the internet – tournaments, streamers, other sites (like China)Â etc.
You can easily tell if there’s a new update to that meta deck by checking for the ‘Updated!‘ tag next to the meta deck name on the side bar.
What to Play?
I think it’s clear that most of the players are now playing and testing decks as if the Warsong Commander Nerf has already happened.
From what I experienced playing on North America and what streamers face during their session, it seems clear there a a few clear meta decks being played heavily.
- Control Warrior
- Dragon Priest
- Secret Paladin
- Tempo Mage
- Druids, both Midrange and Aggro
- Hunters, Aggro and Midrange
With Paladins and Warriors being played the most, followed by Druids, Hunters, Priest and Mages. Yes, the meta is currently wide open and pretty much open season for any deck to be piloted to hit Legend.
So if your meta is dominated by:
- Everything and anything – play Secret Paladin. Stop if the meta becomes heavy with Tempo Mages.
- Secret Paladins and Aggroish decks – play Dragon Priest. But you’re not favored against control decks like Warrior.
- Dragon Priests – play Control like Control Warrior. Handlock only if little or none Paladins and Druids.
- Warriors – dust off that Druid or Paladin deck. But watch out – if Tempo Mage is also a heavy presence, might consider Druid over Paladin.
Hopefully that will help you pick your deck as you venture on to the ladder and face a specific kind of meta at that time and place.
Personally, I’m playing Midrange Paladin – a deck I find extremely versatile, flexible to answer all the other meta decks. A deck that gets wrecked by Oil Rogue and Patron Warrior, both are pretty much non-existent on the ladder during my climb. Once I hit Legend, I’ll be sharing the stats and tips again, similarly to my previous seasons’ posts. (Dragon Priest for August and Echo Mage for September)
Be sure to check out this post by Modorra for a even more detailed break down (and prediction) of the Post Patron Warrior meta!
PS: Crafting
Stancifka recently won the SLTV StarSeries Season 1. He used the following decks:
And from looking the decklists, you can clearly see which are safe cards to craft due to their flexibility to fit in most meta decks:
- Big Game Hunter
- Emperor Thaurissan
- Dr. Boom
And TheOnlyRushin also released an infographic on the most commonly used neutral cards here. Hopefully this will help you plan how to spend your money (Adventures) and Arcane Dust (Crafting)!
Published: Oct 20, 2015 11:00 am