Most Tortollans have seen things that would scare you shell-less.
Tortollan Pilgrim is one of the latest minions revealed for Hearthstone’s Saviors of Uldum expansion. The turtle-based lifeform will be bringing its unique brand of wisdom to the Mage class.
Tortollan Pilgrim is an eight-cost 5/5 Mage minion with a Battlecry. The Pilgrim’s Battlecry allows you to Discover a copy of a spell in your deck. That spell is then cast with random targets. So far with Saviors of Uldum reveals, we’ve seen a healthy amount of randomness associated with the Mage class.
Mage has always been a class with a heavy emphasis on spellcasting and it looks like we can expect that to continue going forward. Tortollan Pilgrim could potentially have a spot in decks like Big Spell and Control Mage. Before we know everything that Tortollan Pilgrim is capable of, though, we’ll need to see the rest of the Mage spells joining the game with Saviors of Uldum.
Find out what Mage is capable of when Saviors of Uldum goes live on Aug. 6.
Published: Jul 23, 2019 09:32 am