Patron Warrior bursted on to the Hearthstone scene following the release of Blackrock Mountain expansion – fuelled by the introduction of Grim Patron, Emperor Thaurissan and fixing Warsong Commander. It has been a staple meta deck since April 2015.
It is also one of the few decks that is extremely cheap and can achieve high Legend rank.
Latest Decklists
Thijs EU Blizzcon 2015 Championship Winner Patron Warrior
You can check out the Patron Warrior meta deck section for all the guides/decklists on it. If you’re just starting to toy around with Patron Warrior, we recommend you starting with this beginner guide.
Harrison Jones is a great tech card in a weapon heavy meta, especially against Hunters and other Patron Warriors.
Dread Corsair has disappeared from most lists, same as Loot Hoarder and Cruel Taskmaster – cards that are cut to make room for more survivability like Shield Block and Shield Slam.
Be sure to check back often for the latest variation of this deck as the meta evolves.
Published: Oct 4, 2015 04:21 pm